World war two

  • The rise of Hitler

    Adolf Hitler is apppointed Chancellor of Germany. Through a combination of legal means and violence, his government makes the Nazi Party the only legal political party in Germany and establishes a dictatorship. Germany begins legal discrimination against Jews.
  • germany president died

    German President Paul von Hindenburg dies. Rather than holding new elections, Hitler assumes the role of Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). German soldiers and sailors are forced to swear personal loyalty to Hitler.
  • Hetlers jews were stripped

    German Jews are stripped of citizenship and civil rights. Italy invades Ethiopia
  • The Spanish started the Spanish civil war

    Spanish nationalists under General Francisco Franco attack the Republican army, beginning the Spanish Civil War.
  • Hitler Threatens war

    Hitler threatens war with Czechoslovakia to annex the German-speaking district of the Sudetenland. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, desperate to avoid war with Germany, agrees to permit the annexation.
  • Jews shops and stores were distoryed

    On Kristallnacht (the "night of broken glass"), November 7, more than 7,000 Jewish shops and 1,600 synagogues are damaged or destroyed.
  • Finland signed

    Finland signs a peace treaty with the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union invades the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
  • Germany starts invades

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
  • Germany invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands on May 10

    The Netherlands surrenders five days later; Belgium surrenders on May 28.
  • US stepes in

    The US begins bombing raids on Germany.
  • Gemans surrenders

    German forces surrender at Stalingrad — the first major defeat of a German army since the war began