Diminishing Progress YMS

By KyleeH
  • Document A

    Captain Taylor said he went to the quartering house and the person staying in the house claims to have seen Anthony a slave and Captain Taylor going into the corn field and when they returned from the "corn field" Anthony the negroe told the person staying in the house, "Mr. Taylor and I have divided our corn, and I am very glad of it. Now I know my own, he finds fault with me that I do not work, but now I know my own ground and I will work when I please and play when I please."
  • Document A (continued)

    And the said Captain Taylor asked the said negro saying, "Are you content with what you have?" The negro answerd, "I am very well content with what I have."
  • Act Xll

    A child to an enslaved mother is owned by the mother's master. The child recieves his/her's status from His/her's mother not father. If a childs father is freed and its mother is enslaved the child is enslaved because of its mother's status.