Period: to
Timeline of the War
France helps Russia and Serbia in battle with Austria-Hungary
Blaming the Serbian government for the assassinations, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia. Russia being Serbia’s ally joins the battle as well. Russia also brought France into the battle because of its ally with Russia. -
Germany Declares War on France
Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany’s troops marched into Belgium engage a pre-planned method intended to quickly ambush and beat France. -
British help stop Germany from invading
The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) comes to France to help the French and Belgians stop the German offensive from invading France. -
France Declares war with Austria-Hungrey
France declared war with Austria-Hungary. -
British and French armies invade and keep Togoland, a German outpost in West Africa.
British and French armies invade and keep Togoland, a German outpost in West Africa. -
Germany Invades France
Germany invaded France. Also called the Battle of Mons. British army’s joined with France to stop the Germans from advancing. When the British and French tried to stop the German enemy they were surprised when they found themselves under heavy artillery. The British-French army was still unable to attack because the German army was too far out of range for their armies weapons. The two allies quickly retreated and this continued for two whole weeks! The Germans made it all th -
France stops invading German
First Battle of the Marne halts German invasion in France. At this point the Germans were exhausted from their long ambush on France. When they reached the river Marne they were surprised to encounter Allied defenses fresh with new troops from Paris. A battle broke out that lasted for 5 long days. Millions of troops fought on each side during that battle. During a tactical move on the German side they accidentally revealed a gap between the German First and Second armies. -
France declares war on Turkey.
France declares war on Turkey. -
The Gallipoli Campaign begins.
British and French naval attack on the Dardanelles. The Gallipoli Campaign begins. -
France aids British and Italian troops at Balkan Front
A French army lands in Salonika and, with the help of British and Italian troops, sets up a Balkan Front. -
France declares war on Bulgaria.
The Serbian army collapses and evacuated by the Italian and French Navies.
The Serbian army collapses. It will retreat to the Adriatic Sea and be evacuated by the Italian and French Navies. -
Germans attack French at Verdun and becomes the longest and one of the bloodiest battles of the war
Using new weapons such as flamethrowers and Storm Troops, the Germans launch an attack on the French at Verdun, in what will become the longest and one of the bloodiest battles of the war known as the Battle of Verdun. -
Russia attacks Brusilov Offensive against Austro-Hungary in Carpathia and helps relieve French troops
In order to help relieve pressure on the British and French armies along the Western Front, Russia intiated its Brusilov Offensive against Austro-Hungary in Carpathia as known as the Ukraine. -
Verdun Battle ends with French holding off Germany
December 18th 1916- After almost ten months the German attack on Verdun ends, with the French holding their positions. The casualties of the this long, bloody battle were more than a quarter of a million deaths and almost a million injured. -
The Nivelle and Chemin des Dames Offensives ends horribly for the French
The Nivelle and Chemin des Dames Offensives ends horribly for the French with many massive failures though out the battle. The high levels of casualties cause discouragement and extreme sadness throughout the French army. It also caused a month long mutant. The general at the time, General Nivelle, was fired ending his career. -
The first U.S. troops, men of the 1st Division, begin to arrive in France.
The first U.S. troops, men of the 1st Division, begin to arrive in France. -
The French Marshall Ferdinand Foch is made the Supreme Allied Commander on the Western Front.
The French Marshall Ferdinand Foch is made the Supreme Allied Commander on the Western Front. The Supreme Allied Commander is a title held by the most senior commander within certain multinational military alliances. -
The Third German Spring Offensive or the Third Battle of the Aisne, begins in the French district along Chemin des Dames.
The Third German Spring Offensive or the Third Battle of the Aisne, begins in the French district along Chemin des Dames. The main priority of the German's was to split French and British forces in order to gain a victory before American troops were sent in greater numbers on the battlefields of Europe. -
Treaty of Versailles is signed between the Allies and Germany
Five years after the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Treaty of Versailles is signed between the Allies and Germany. This treaty officially ended the Great War. Many people in France and Britain were extremely mad that there wasn’t going to be a trial for the German Kaiser or the other war leaders of the Central Powers. -
The Allies regained control of almost all of German-occupied parts of France and Belgium.
The Allies regained control of almost all of German-occupied parts of France and Belgium. -
Germany signs an armistice with the Allies. The War has Ended
November 11- In a French town called Redonthes on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Germany signs an armistice with the Allies. November is also the official date of the end of World War One.