220px circe offering the cup to odysseus

Odyssey encounters

By KGann42
  • Leaving Troy

    Leaving Troy
    Odysseus and a few of his men leave the battle of Troy and plan to return to Ithaca
  • Land of the Cyclopses

    Land of the Cyclopses
    Odysseus and his men end up on a land called "the land of the cyclopses
  • The cave

    The cave
    Odysseus and his men stumble in a cave, which ended up to be one of the cyclopses cave. The cyclopes started eating a few of the men, and Odysseus told the cyclopes that his name was nobody, odysseus then gave the cyclopes some wine and got him drunk. He then passed out and Odysseus stabbed him in the eye. The cyclopes tried to run away and moved the big rock to get out.. but then let out most of the men. Odysseus started taunting the cyclopes by saying his real name which wasn't smart.
  • Odysseus taunting Polyphemos

    Odysseus taunting Polyphemos
    Odysseu sstarted taunting Polyphemos by saying his real name, Polythemos then started praying to his father Poseidon. Saying he wants Odysseus to suffer, and lose his men and maybe even die.
  • Sirens

    Odysseus and his men were sailing along when they passed by the Sirens. Odysseus made his men plug their ears and tie him to the boat so he could listen to the song without chasing after it.
  • Scylla

    Awhile later they ran into Scylla who ate six men
  • Charybdis

    They then ran into Charybdis a huge whirl pool type thing who sucks things up and spits them back out. Not very many men made it.