Europe timeline

  • 500

    Dark Ages begin

    Dark Ages begin
    The Dark Ages began after the Roman Empire collapsed.
  • Feb 28, 1337

    Hundred Year War

    Hundred Year War
    A war that started between Enland and France.
  • Feb 28, 1348

    Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    Killed almost a third of the population this is also known as the Black Plague.
  • Feb 28, 1400

    Italian Renessonce

    Italian Renessonce
    This was when Italy expanded their ideas.
  • Feb 28, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    This made it so you don't have to hand write everything.
  • Feb 28, 1452

    Leonardo De Vinci birth

    Leonardo De Vinci birth
    Leonarde De Vinci Born in the Italian Renesonce.
  • Feb 28, 1492

    Discovery of the NewWorld

    Discovery of the NewWorld
    This is when Columbus found America and killed the Natives.
  • Feb 28, 1519

    Leonardo De Vinci death

    Leonardo De Vinci death
    An artist, engineer, and scientist dies.
  • Peter the Great

    Peter the Great
    Peter made it his priority to expand Russia westward.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Native Americans team up to push the British out of America.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    After many years of going back and forth the political climate stabalized
  • Napolean Took Power

    Napolean Took Power
    Took power from seemingly nowhere.
  • Communist Mannifest

    Communist Mannifest
    The Communist Manufest was published in 1848.
  • Assasination of Francis Ferdinand

    Assasination of Francis Ferdinand
    He was shot driving down the street with his wife.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The wall seperating East Germany and West Germany fell.
  • Jesus' birth

    Jesus' birth
    Jesus was born close to the year 4 and was crucified in 30 A.D. Take away 100 years for some reason this website can't wrap their heads around years that were only 2 digits.