World War I

  • Assasination of the Archduke in Serbia

    Assasination of the Archduke in Serbia
    The cordinated murdering of Arrchduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, marked international affairs that one month later would commence World War I.
  • Germany declares war on neutral Belgium

    Germany declares war on neutral Belgium
    Germany invades France by means of declaring war on Belgium who was neutral a tthe time. The trenches set out in Belgium did not hold the Gemrans back and when they did step in Belgum territory Great Britain entered war.
  • War becomes 'Total War'

    War becomes 'Total War'
    Up until this point the battles have beein fought with trenches and such warfares. However, on this date the German Zappelin raid over Great Britain brought about the first gas warfare with chlorine gas targeting everyone. The limits kept getting pushed and pushed.
  • Battle of Vardum begins

    Battle of Vardum begins
    The Battle of Verdum in Verdun-sur-Meuse, France was fought between France and Germany. It is one of the major battles in WW I and the longest one as well. The batlte finally ended Decemebr 18th 1916 with a French vitory.
  • Rasputin is murdered by relatives of the Tsar

    Rasputin is murdered by relatives of the Tsar
    Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin or Rasputin as he was known, helped ease the Tsar's son's, Alexis, hemophilia at the time that no one else had been able to help. He wasn't a monk yet he appeared to be. He was just a mystic that believed to have such psychic powers. After some time it was decided that he posed a threat to empire. With several other nobles Vladimir Purishkevich lured Rasputin into his death.
  • U.S.A declares war on Gemrany

    U.S.A declares war on Gemrany
    Foreign Minister Alfred Zimmerman had sent out a telgraph message to Mexico and Japan to persuade them to fight against the US. Great Britain managed to intercept the message. Woodrow Wilson was informed and thus brought the US to declare war against Germany.
  • Bolsheviks seize power in Russia

    Bolsheviks seize power in Russia
    October Revolution begins in Russia with the Bolsheviks taking over the government forming the Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin.
  • President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points Speech

    President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points Speech
    Fourteen Pints was a speech given to the Congress of the U.S. that stated "that the Great War was being fought for a moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe," by President Woodrow Wilson. The speech was also a response to Lenin's 'Decree of Peace' that suggested the withdrawl of Russia from World War I.
  • Excution of Tsar Nicholas II & Romanov family

    Excution of Tsar Nicholas II & Romanov family
    Yakov Yurovsky was the man in charge of the execution of Tsar Nicholas Ii and his family in July 16, 1918 in Ekaterinburg Russia. Victims included the Tsaritsa Alexandra Fyodorovna, and her 4 daughters Olga Nikolaevna,
    Tatiana Nikoalevna, Maria Nikolaevna, Anastasia Nikolaevna.
    Tsarevich Alexei at age13 was as well killed. Botkin, the family doctor ,Trupp, Nicholas II's valet, Demidova, a maid and Kharitonov, also were murdered.
  • Armsitice Day

    Armsitice Day
    At Compiègne Forest in a railay carriage the armistace as signed between the Allies and Germany that marked the end of World War I.