
  • Women Suffragiste

    The 19thamendmernt was past. Women can now vote
  • The Model T

    the average cost of the Model T was a round $290. This meant that more people can buy the cars.
  • The gret Gatsby

    It was one of the most popular 1920's.
    The guy who writer the book is F.Scott
  • Clarence trial

    It is a trial over if they should teach evolution. There was a trail on a man that was still teaching it and he get in truble.
  • Evolution

    John T scopes was put on trial for teaching Evolution. There was Religion that the world was mad by god. But there is profe that the earth be a live a lot longer then 4000 years old. But the earth is about 4 billione year old.
  • The Jazz singer

    The jazz singer began fillming. This would be the frist talkie.
  • Spirt of st. louis

    Charles A. Lindbergh was the evary first guy to fly over tho ocane with out stoping. For doing this he won $ 25,000
  • valentine's day massacre

    6 of the north side Gang mubers and one more where Killed.
    The taget was Bugs Moran
  • The model A

    This is the new car that a lot better then the model T.The model A has more thing to it like diffrent then the model t is they have more colors.
  • Black Tuseday

    The stock marekit crasht. The people lost $14 billion