Cancer Screenings

  • Period: to

    Cancer Screenings

  • Endometrial (uterine) cancer

    Should be tested at the time of menopause and as often as anually. The test is called a endometrial biopsy and is performed by checking for lumps in the womans ureter/vaginal area
  • Cervical cancer

    Cervical cancer screenings should begin no more than 3 years after women start having sex. "Pap" test about every 2 years. Is performed by a shot that tests positive or negative through a bubble under the skin
  • Testicular Cancer

    You should be tested as early as age 15. You should check yourself, but if you see/feel any abnoralities, contact a doctor for further screening.
  • Cancer-related check-up

    Self exams and general check-ups should be given at age 20. if you see any abnoralities contact a doctor for further exams. These tests inclue skin, testicular, thryroid, oral, ovariesv and other common cancers. These tests can be performed by checking for lumps under the skin.
  • Breast cancer

    At age 40, woman (and even some men) should start having mammograms on an anual basis.
  • Colorectal Cancer and Polyps

    Begin at age 50 for men and women. Colonoscopy every 10 years The patient usually drinks a laxative that cleanses the rectum and the doctor then exams the rectum for lumps and abnoralities
  • Prostate cancer

    At age 50, all men should be tested via rectal exam and should be tested about ever 2 years but it is dependant on PSA level.
    The patient usually drinks a laxative that cleanses the rectum and the doctor then exams the rectum for lumps and abnoralities