Pregnant belly

Pregnancy Timeline

  • Month 1

    A simple functioning circulatory system has developed in the embryo. The spinal cord is closed and
    the embryo is 4mm long.
  • Month 2

    The nervous system and the motor activity has begun to develop. The cardiac valves and also the four chambers of the heart are established and functioning.
  • Month 3

    The baby weighs 3/4 of an ounce and the baby can also flex its little arms and legs.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    The baby is six inches long and has fully shaped hands and feet with nails.
  • Month 5

    The baby's hair starts to appear and also reacts to sounds.
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    The baby is over twelve inches long and the thumb is able to grasp.
  • Month 7

    From now until birth, the baby triples in weight and grows thirteen to twenty inches.
  • Month 8

    The baby's lungs are maturing and learns the breathing cycle.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Welcome baby! Delivery happens usually between 38-42 weeks.