World War II

By l.ale
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    -Treaty of Versailles puts blame of WWI on Germany; Germany's territory split, could not build up its army, forced to take complete blame and pay reparations for the war
    -Wilson warns about the Treaty of Versailles potential leading to another war
  • Hitler Joins Nazi Party

    Hitler Joins Nazi Party
    -Hitler joins Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party after WWI, to which he became the leader of, and created Nazism (German form of fascism)
  • Fascist Party establlished under Mussolini in Italy

    Fascist Party establlished under Mussolini in Italy
    -Fascism stresses nationalism, placing interests of the state above individuals, and led by a single leader with a small group of party members
  • USSR Established

    USSR Established
    -civil war in Russia led to establishment of a communist state, known as the Soviet Union
  • Mussolini takes over Italy

    Mussolini takes over Italy
    -Mussolini marched into Rome with the "Black Shirts"
    -Italian king appointed Mussolini head of government
  • Joseph Stalin takes control of USSR

    Joseph Stalin takes control of USSR
    -Stalin takes control after the death of Vladimir Lenin
    -death of 8-13 million Russians
    -made agriculture and industrial growth prime economic goals
  • 62 Countries sign Kellogg-briand Pact

    62 Countries sign Kellogg-briand Pact
    -declared war would not be used "as an instrument of national policy"
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    -provoked by a belief in "more living space for a growing population"
    -Japanese troops gained control over Manchuria's natural resources
  • Roosevelt Takes Office

    Roosevelt Takes Office
    -Roosevelt runs for 4 terms during WWII, but does not live to see the end of the war
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    -dismantles the Weimar Republic and establishes the "Third Reich"
  • Neutrality Acts Passed

    Neutrality Acts Passed
    -outlawed arms sales and loans to nations at war, or engaged in civil war
  • Hitler begins military buildup

    Hitler begins military buildup
    -against Treaty of Versailles
    -Hitler pulls Germany out of League of Nations, who did nothing to stop Hitler's military power
  • Civil War begins in Spain

    Civil War begins in Spain
    -Francisco Franco and his army officers rebell against Spanish Republic
    -Hitler and Mussolini back Franco, leading to Franco's victory
  • German troops invade Rhineland

    German troops invade Rhineland
    -German region bordering France and Belgium
    -League of Nations did nothing to stop Hitler
  • Italian troops take over Ethiopia

    Italian troops take over Ethiopia
    -Mussolini expands a new empire
    -League of Nations did nothing effective to stop the invasion
  • Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum

    Hitler announces secret plans for lebensraum
    -the idea of more "living space"
    -Hitler plans to take all German-speaking countries
  • Hitler takes Austria

    Hitler takes Austria
    -German troops unopposed, and Austria was taken in one day
    -Again, the League of Nations did nothing
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    -permitted annexation of Czechoslovakia to Germany
    -agreement between Germany, France, and Great Britain
  • Totalitarian government established in USSR

    Totalitarian government established in USSR
    -individuals have no rights
    -government suppresses all opposition
    -Stalin tries to exert complete control over all citizens
  • Russia invades Finland

    Russia invades Finland
    -Russia takes territory after the nonaggression pact, as Germany expands its own territories
  • Czechoslovakia falls to Hitler

    Czechoslovakia falls to Hitler
    -without a shot being fired, Czechoslovakia is handed over to Hitler by the Munich agreement
  • Non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia

    Non-aggression pact between Germany and Russia
    -between Hitler and Stalin
    -Russia and Germany agree to not attack each other, as well as secretly agree to divide Poland
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    -used new military strategy of blitzkrieg (lightning war) to overwhelm Poland
    -beginning of WWII
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
    -air war over Great Britain
    -British pilots succesfully fight back with the use of radar
  • Germany takes Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Germany takes Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg
    -taken after Denmark and Norway
    -marked the end of the phony war
  • British and French defeated at Dunkirk

    British and French defeated at Dunkirk
    -marked fall of France
    -British and French soldiers were trapped against the English Channel; 330,000 ferried to safety to England
  • Italy enters the war on German side

    Italy enters the war on German side
    -invaded France from the south while Germans invaded from the North, taking France
  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway
    -surprise invasion after the phony war
    -Hitler gained control of the coast to strike at Great Britain
  • France surrenders to Germany

    France surrenders to Germany
    -Nazi-controlled puppet government set up in France
    -Charles de Gaulle set up a government-in-exile in England: "France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war."