
Fraser Lo Duca 1930's Timeline

By loduca
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    Herbert Hoover took office in 1929 right before stock crash. He was a Republican. All throughout the Great Depression people seemed to blame all of their problems on him.
  • Dust Bowl Era

    Dust Bowl Era
    The dust bowl was a larger drought in the south west region that lasted for 8 years. During this time the entire U.S was hammered with these black blizzards which were top soil being blown around the entire nation.
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army
    The bonus army marched for a couple of days to get their bonus checks. they were promised these bonuse checks after fight WWI and were demanding it 15 years early. The government eventually burned their Hoovervilles and kicked them out of the city.
  • FDR Elected

    FDR Elected
    Was elected in the middle of the depression. He tried many things to get the economy started but eventually we entered war and turned this nation around
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    A series of economic stimulators to help the U.S get out of the Depresion. It was lead by FDR.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    The government gave the Native Americans the right to reassemble. They gave them their own courts back to start own law and what not.
  • Hitler Takes Power

    Hitler Takes Power
    Hitler became a dictator of his nation. Him and his allies conquered half of Europe in about three years. His radical ideas became a threat to the entire world.
  • Social Security Act

    This was the begining of Social Seccurity. FDR signed these acts to try to give hope to the economy.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    As a reslut of the social security act. People had to pay a certain percantage of their incom to social securtiy. Once they became of age they could collect money because of this social security.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    These acts liimited U.S activity in the war. They were limited to helping Great Bitain. In 1941 these Acts were appealed when the Japnese attacked Pearl Harbor.
  • GM Sit-Down Strike

    GM Sit-Down Strike
    In this strike all the employees were inside keeping out management. This is not a typcal strike.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    It was a mass murder that occured the sixth week after Japan captured the old capital of the Republic of China. The Japanese army murdered unarmed civilians. They also ended up raping 20,000-80,000 women.
  • The Grapes of Wrath

    The Grapes of Wrath
    A book published by John Stienback. Based on during the great depression and the great drought. Won thnoble prize for lierature.