Lewis and clark

Timeline for Lewis and Clark

  • Meeting Indians

    Meeting Indians
    The expedition meets the Oto and Missouri Indians. The tribes of indians give gifts and valuables to the corps of discovery.
  • Discovering

    Discover earthlodge villagesmade by the Mandan and Hidatsa indians. The expedition decides to built camp on the other side of the river, to be near the village.
  • First buffalo

    First buffalo
    Lewis and other men set out on an adventure. Lewis and the other men were going to hunt for their first buffalo from the wild.
  • Heading back

    Lewis and Clark sent approximately 12 men back. They are heading back with maps, reports, Indian artifacts, and other scientific things back to Jefferson.
  • North or South forks

    North or South forks
    All of the people on the adventure come to a fork in the river. They have an disagreement of if it is the north or south fork of the Missouri river.
  • Waterfalls

    Lewis ahead of all the others finds five waterfalls. Known as the great falls of missouri. And discovers 4 more waterfalls upstream from the great falls
  • More forks

    More forks
    All of the people on the expedition reach the three forks at the missouri river. They name them Gallatin, Madison, and Jefferson. They name them after Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of State, and President of the United States of America.
  • Period: to


    Crossing of the Bitterroot mountains were hard, sickening and the food and supplies were starting to get scarce. Horses started to get sick, fall, and die, so they had to start being looking for more horses and finally they found some indians and traded. After a few days the horses were near starvation, and people start eating the colts for food because the food was almost gone.
  • Heading back

    2 years after leaving the explorers begin their way backtracking the familiar trails. But end up with different plans. They all separate and take different ways home, but all meet up at the Missouri river.
  • Leaving fort

    Leaving fort
    After leaving fort, Oregon, the corps of discovery begin their journey home. Having a troubled winter of starvation, sickness, and bad weather, finally it was over.
  • Covering miles

    The expedition can cover over 70 miles of land per day. Also they start meeting other traders heading upstream to trade. The expedition knows they are close to getting back to where they started from.
  • President Jefferson

    President Jefferson
    Lewis and Clark return to Washington D.C at President Jefferson's house. Lewis and Clark receive double pay, and 320 acres of land. As a reward the captains get 1600 acres of land.