French and indian war

The French and Indian War

  • Samuel de Champlain fouded Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain fouded Quebec
    Samuel de Champlain founded the town of Quebec which was the first permanent French settlement in North America. Fur traders began to settle in this as well as other French colonies. They developed good relations with the natives specifically the Hurons. Due to their trading with the natives they also became military allies. The Hurons who were allies with the French were enemies to the Iroquois who were allies with the British. These alliances would lead to fighting and because the natives were
  • France and Great Britain struggle for empire

    France and Great Britain struggle for empire
    France and Great Britain were struggling against each other to build a world empire. An area they were both competing to claim was the Ohio River Valley. The colonists there favored the British because they still considered themselves British and they wanted to expand west. This fight for world empire and more specifically Ohio River Valley was just the start to there fighting. It would eventually lead to more and more battles.
  • French build Fort Duquesne

    The French built Fort Duquesne where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers join to form Ohio. The British has already granted 200,000 acres of land to wealthy planters in the Ohio country. A group of citizens who performed military duties came together to evict the French form this land. This would lead to battles that would be the start to the French and Indian War.
  • George Washington builds Fort Necessity

    George Washington builds Fort Necessity
    In May George Washington’s militia set up Fort Necessity 40 miles from the French Fort Duquesne and attacked some French soldiers. This caused the French to counterattack and a battle followed that July. During this battle Washington was forced to surrender. These battles would eventually lead to The French and Indian War between Great Britain and France.
  • William Pitt is chosen to run government

    William Pitt is chosen to run government
    King George II selected William Pitt to run his government after the many French victories. The British finally started winning battles causing the Iroquois to become allies with them. Now Britain had more of an equal chance when competing with France who already had native allies.
  • General James wolfe leads British army to victory

    General James wolfe leads British army to victory
    General James Wolfe led the British army to scale the cliffs that protected Quebec after nightfall. They caught the French and their commander the Marquis de Montcalm by surprise causing them to win a short deadly battle. This led to them winning the French and Indian war
  • War ends

    The day the war officially ended. Also the treaty of Paris was established giving Great Britain all of North America east of the Mississippi River. Spain gained the French lands west of the Mississippi leaving France with only a few small islands near Newfoundland and West Indies. Not only did the French lose but the natives did as well because the British were harder to bargain with.