Fraser Lucas Teske 1920s Timeline

  • Period: to

    1919 - 1929 Timeline

    This is a timeline of important historical events from the Roarin' 20's.
  • Lenin and the Communist State/Red Scare

    After WW1 was ended, Lenin took over as the leader of Russia. When he took over, he brought in a new kind of government: communism. This political system was feared by most all Americans, and caused the "Red Scare" in America. The growing number of radicals in America frightened many into a red take over.
  • Volstead Act

    The Volstead act which passed in 1919 set the 18th amendment in motion, wihch was the prohibtion (banning) of liquor. This prohibited alochol in beverages and regulated alcohol for sience and medical use.
  • Palmer Raids

    A. Mitchell Palmer, Wilson's attorney general, tried to claim that Russian communists were attempting to overthrow the U/S government. 10,000 "suspected" communists and anarchists were arrested in an attempt to find evidence of the over throwing. Palmer and Hoover found no evidence, and attitudes and respect started to change towards Hoover and Palmer.
  • 18th Amendment

    The 18th amendment finally but the ban on alcohol sale and consumption in the form of the Prohibtion Act, otherwise known as the 18th amendment. This caused the nation to be split between the new and the old school ways of thinking in the 1920's.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    The 19th amendment to the Constitution gave women suffrage. They now could vote in elections and this was a direct result of their new found freedoms. This is one step closer for women becoming independant.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

    Two Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with killing 2 men in a bank robbery. This was a very split debate with circumstantial evidence on both sides arguring for and against their case. They were eventually found guilty and executed.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    This scandal was the leasing of U.S Navy oil reserves to Albert B. Fall's friends during the Harding Administration. A loan for $100,00 was uncovered and it exposed Fall and got him fined and arrested.
  • National Origins Act

    The National Origins act ws a huge slap in the face to what America was supposed to stand for. It wouldn't allow Asians to immigrate here and it made it even more difficult for other immigrants to come here, escpeially from Europe.
  • Scopes Trial

    A high school biolofy teacher, John Scopes, taught Darwin's theorey of evolution in schools, breaking a law. He was tried and found guilty for breaking the law.
  • Charles Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh made the first trans-Atlantic flight in the "Spirit of St. Louis" in 33 hours and 29 minutes. This won him fame and a fortune; the title of the first man to fly across the atlantic as well as a $25,00 prize.
  • 1st Talking Movie, The Jazz Singer, is Released

    The Jazz Singer, starrig Al Jolson, was purely an amazing feat for cinematogrophy. The Jazz Singer was the first motion picture to feature sound. This technological break through killed the silent movie era of Charlie Chaplin and the alike. It ushered in a new era of sound to film.
  • Herbert Hoove Elected President

    Republican presidential nominee Herbert Hoober beat out Deomocrat Al Smith in the race for the presidency in the election of 1928. He became the 31st President of the United States.
  • Stock Market Crash

    To signify the end of the prosperic 20's was the stock market crash, leading into the Great Depression. 40% of the nation's banks started to fail, and Americans who bought on credit were starting to see the hurt of their decisions.