Roaring 20s

Fraser Whitney 1920's Timeline

  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th Amendment banned the manufactoring, sale, and transportation of alcohol. This was the start of the "Prohibition."
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    The Palmer Raids were raids on Russian Unions, which were led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. These raids were attempts by the United States Department of Justice to arrest foreign radicals from the United States and deport them.
  • Lenin and the Communist State/Red Scare

    Lenin and the Communist State/Red Scare
    The Red Scare was the Anti-Communist panic that swept throughout the United States. Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia at the time.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The Volstead Act, named after Andrew Volstead, was another reinforcement on the ban of alcohol. It was more formally known as the National Prohibition Act.
  • Sacco & Vanzetti Trial

    Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
    Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were arrested and chared for the robbery of a factory paymaster and his guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts. They were both executed through electric chair on August 23, 1927.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. Woodrow Wilson was President at the time.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    Teapot Dome Affair
    In Teapot Dome, Wyoming, the government had set aside oil-rich public lands. The Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Falls, secretly released these lands to two private oil companies, stating that these contracts were in the better interest of the government. It was found out that he recieved over $400,000 in "loans, bonds, and cash" and was later found guilty of bribary.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    The National Origins Act excluded Asian Americans and made it difficult for others to immigrate to the United States. This was part of the Quota Law, which restricted the amount of immigrants from each country to only 2%.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    This was a highly publicized trial regarding John Thomas Scopes and the state of Tennessee. He was prosecuted for teaching about evolution, which is against the law in Tennessee.
  • Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic
    Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly a non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He was awarded Orteig Prize and nicknamed "Lucky Lindy."
  • 1st Talking Movie, 'The Jazz Singer' , is Released

    1st Talking Movie, 'The Jazz Singer' , is Released
    The first talking movie, The Jazz Singer, was made in New York. This voice that was heard belonged to Al Jolson, and the first words were: “Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!”
  • Herbert Hoover Elected President

    Herbert Hoover Elected President
    Herbert Hoover was the Republican candidate for this election with Charles Curtis as his running mate. He recieved about 58% of the popular vote.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    In Septermeber of 1929, stock prices peaked and then fell. By October it plunged and the number of shares dumped on Black Tuesday (Octorber 29) was a record 16.4 billion. This was the start of the Great Depression.