Fraser Mahieu 1920's timeline

  • 18th Amendment

    The 18th Amendment is the only amendment to ever be repealed in the Constituion (in 1933 the 21st repealed the 18th Amendment). The 18th Amendment in short banned the sale, manufature, or transportation of alcoholic beverages.
  • Period: to

    Lenin and the Communist State/ Red Scare

    The Red Scare was about socialist revolution and political radicalism. There were many events during this time, but the first major strike that happened was on January 21st when shipyard workers started a strike in Seattle
  • Volstead Act

    The Volstead Act prohibited intoxicating beverages being consumed, sold, or transported, just as the 18th amendment had done. The Volstead Act also enabled legislation for the 18th amendment. The act was conceived and written by Andrew Volstead
  • Palmer Raids

    The raiders attempted to arrest and deport left wing radicals, especially anarchists. They were known as the Red Scare, a term used to give fear and reaction to all political radicals after WW1. Lasted from November to January the next year.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

    The trial had many different theories on it, but in the end, they ruled Sacco and Vanzetti to the electric chair. They were both followers of Luigi Galleani. The trial had conflicting evidence as to whether or not the two men commited the crime or were anywhere near there.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    Denied any state or government from denying a citizen the right to vote based on sex. Wilson supported the 19th amendment on January 9, 1918, and the Senate passed it the next day.
  • Teapot Dome Affair

    Edward Doheny lent Fall $100,000 interest free, and Fall was later fined an amount of $100,000 for accepting bribes along with a one year prison sentence. The oil fields leased were restored to the U.S. government through a Supreme Court decision in 1927. Edward Doheny was acquitted in 1930 of attempting to bribe Fall.
  • National Origins Act

    Restricted immigration against Asians and southern/ eastern Europeans. Limited immigration to 2% of the people in that country.
  • Scopes Trial

    The trial was also known as the state of Tennesee vs. Scopes. The trial was over Scopes violating the Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach evolution. The Butler Act prohibited teaching of evolution, yet books taught the theory of evolution.
  • Charles Lindenberg crosses the Atlantic

    Charles flew the Spirit of St. Louis. He barely cleared the telephone wires at takeoff. The trip took 33 /2 hours and was 3,500 miles long.
  • 1st talking movie, The Jazz Singer is released

    This movie started the decline of the silent film era. Presenting the movie was hard because there were 15 seperate reels and disks.
  • Herber Hoover elected president

    Hoover was a pro mining engineer and author and easily won the Republican nomination, despite having no previous elected office experience. He also had to combat the Great Depression during presidency.To date, Hoover is the last directly elected President of the United States, as well as one of only two Presidents to have been elected President without electoral experience or high military rank.
  • Stock Market Crash

    This event was also known as the Great Crash or the Great Depression. The crash in stocks broke records of that time, and still is one of the worst crashes the stock market has ever seen.The Dow Jones Industrial Average would lose 89% of its value before finally bottoming out in July 1932 because of the loss of stocks and people panicking to get their money back.