
10 Events That Impacted History From 1750-1919

  • Encyclopedia Worked on

    Encyclopedia Worked on
    collectionA collection of many ideas from the enlightenment. Denis Diderot was one of the main makers of the encyclopedia during 1750. This is an important event because it cataloged some of the most revolutionary information since the dawn of man.
  • American Independence from England

    American Independence from England
    13 coloniesThis was when the original 13 colonies of the United States stated that they were no longer apart of England. This event is important because it established one of the strongest countries in the world.
  • King Louis XVI beheaded

    King Louis XVI beheaded
    The king of France was beheaded in front of the French people. This event was big because it sort of symbolised the end of absolutism in the way that the people saw it because they didn't want a dictator anymore.
  • Nopoleon Bonaparte rises to power.

    Nopoleon Bonaparte rises to power.
    Napoleon BonaparteNapoleon Bonaparte seizes the french government in a coup d'etat. This event marks the reign of a brutal dictator during the French revolution. One thing about Napoleon is that he kept a lot of the ideas of the French revolution.
  • Birth of the steam engine

    Birth of the steam engine
    steam engineThe steam engine was a powerful tool introduced to world in the early 1800's. It provided energy like no force before. This event is important because it revolutionized the use of power in the world.
  • British Imperialism

    British Imperialism
    Great BritainThis was a time when Great Britian owned a lot of the African colonies. They used the African nations resources to fuel the Industrial Revolution. This event was important because it established Great Britian as one of the strongest imperialistic super powers.
  • Factory System

    Factory System
    DevelopedDeveloped in the late 1800's, the factory system provided jobs for millions. This event was important because it provided many jobs for people and created the first large cities. It also started pollution on a widescale.
  • M.A.I.N.

    The main causes of world war 1 were a combination of Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. This event was huge because it involved topics that were very relevant all within the last decade.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    world war 1World War 1 was one of the most brutal wars the world had seen, up to 1919. This event was important because it ended one of the largest scale wars in history.
  • Invention of the seed drill

    Invention of the seed drill
    This tool, along with many others shaped the way that agriculture had been handled for years. This event was big because the way the inventions changed crop turn out wass fantastic