1.2 Timeline Assignment

  • Plankalkul

    Developer - Konrad Zuse
    Purpose - First computer programming language for engineering.
  • Fortran

    Developer - IBM
    Purpose - Engineering and Scientific Applications

    Developer - Charles Katz
    Purpose - Be an improvement over FORTRAN (Engineering and Scientific Applications)
  • LISP

    Developer - Steve Russell
    Purpose - Favored language for artificial intelligence research.

    Developer - Grace Hopper
    Purpose - Used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and the government.

    Developer - John Kenny & Thomas Kurtz
    Purpose - Language to be used by non-science students at the Dartmouth College in NH.
  • RPG

    Developer - Wilf Hey at IBM
    Purpose - Allowed for easy production of large system reports.
  • LOGO

    Developer - Wally Feurzeig
    Purpose - Used in education to process numbers.
  • C

    Developer - Dennis Ritchie
    Purpose - General purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming.

    Developer - Niklaus Wirth
    Purpose - Encouraged programmers to used structured programming and data structuring.
  • B

    Developer - D.M. Ritchie & K.L. Thompson
    Purpose - B was designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications, such as system and language software.
  • ML

    Developer - Robin Milner
    Purpose - General purpose functional language
  • SQL

    Developer - Donald Chamberlin & Raymond Boyce
    Purpose - Managing data in relational databases management systems.
  • ADA

    Developer - Jean Ichbiah and his team
    Purpose - Used by the government for tons of things such as missile-control to payroll processing.
  • C++

    Developer - Bjarne Stroustrup
    Purpose - General purpose language that has object oriented and generic programming features.
  • Visual Basic

    Developer - Microsoft
    Purpose - Easy to use and easy to learn language with an integrated development environment.
  • Python

    Developer - Guido van Rossum
    Purpose - General purpose language
  • Delphi

    Developer - Borland
    Purpose -Language for desktop, mobile, console, and web applications.
  • Java

    Developer - James Gosling
    Purpose - Language hat is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • Javascript

    Developer - Brendan Eich
    Purpose - Client side scripting language into an HTML page.
  • PHP

    Developer - Rasmus Lerdorf
    Purpose - Open source server-side scripting language designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages