zak's Timeline Oodgeroo Noonuccal

By 3_J
  • Oodgeroo was born

    Oodgeroo was born kathleen jean mary ruska on north stradbroke
  • Oodgeroo is in the war

    Oodgeroo volunteered for war service in australian women's army
    service as a communication worker.
  • Oodgeroo marries bruce walker

    Oodgeroo married Bruce Walker.She had two sons named Denis
    and Vivian.
  • Oodgeroo published the first book

    Oodgeroo published the first book wriitten by an Aboriginal woman.
  • Oodgeroo won a award

    Oodgeroo was awarded member of the order of the british empire.
  • Oodgeroo purchased a property

    Oodgeroo purchased a property on minjerribah [north stradbroke

  • Oodgeroo appeared with her grandson

    Oodgeroo appeared with her grandson,denis walker junior,in Bruce beresford's film ''the fringedwellers''.
  • Oodgeroo adopted name

    she odopted her traditional name''Oodgeroo''(meaning ''paperbark tree'').