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WWII Timeline

  • Stalin becomes Dictator of USSR

    Stalin becomes Dictator of USSR
    This is when Stalin became dictator of the USSR. This is a huge event because what he did during his rule changed everything.
  • Mussolini's March on Rome

    Mussolini's March on Rome
    In 1922 Mussolini marched through Rome. Because of this, he formed a new fascist form of government.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    While imprisoned, Hitler wrote his book, Mein Kampf. It translates to "My Struggle" and was a political manifesto.
  • First 5-year plan USSR

    First 5-year plan USSR
    The first plan was to initiate rapid industrialization in the USSR. The point of this was to reach large economic goals.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria because of the Mukden Incident.
  • Holodomor

    Man-made famine took a toll on the Soviet Union in Ukraine. Wanted to take away farms as a punishment which created the famine.
  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    After many meetings, in 1933, Hindenburg acquiesced and Hitler became the new Chancellor. This is important because this is when he came to power.
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    Hitler ordered a purge of Nazi leaders. He believe they had gotten too powerful and hired his guards to take them out.
  • Nuremberg Laws Encacted

    Nuremberg Laws Encacted
    The Nuremberg laws were racist and anti-Semitic laws. These rules took away Jewish citizenship and rights.
  • Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy invaded Ethiopia and they were able to capture the capital.
  • Great Purge and Gulags

    Great Purge and Gulags
    The Great Purge was when Soviet police arrested millions and killed thousands. This was the beginning to the Holocaust.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    In 1936, a civil war broke out in Spain over a failed attempt to create a democracy. Its significance was it left almost a quarter-million dead.
  • The Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking
    The Rape of Nanking was when the Chinese were mass murdered in Nanjing. It played a role in the Chinese involvement.
  • Kristallnacht

    Also known as the Night of Broken Glass, Nazi enforcements killed jews over the assassination of Ernst Vom Rath. Many jews were killed in this night..
  • Nazi Germany invades Poland

    Nazi Germany invades Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland in an attack on their defenses. This is significant because it marked the start of the war.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    Japan forces bomb and raids a US military base in Hawaii. This was a huge event because it cause the US to join the war.