• Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    After Lenin dies Joseph Salin takes power in Russia. Soon after he implimants his reign of terror, using force and harsh measures to ensure his success.
  • Gulag introduced

    Gulag introduced
    The Gulag system of labor camps is introduced and brought about into soviet Ruissa, as a meathod of dealing with enemies of Stalin. These camps were implimented all over Russia, and would result in the death of 20 million people.
  • Japan Invades Machuria

    Japan Invades Machuria
    The Japanese needed rescourses the Manchurians had such as rubber, oil, and lumber. Appeasement was given by the league of nations to make Japan leave.
  • Hitler takes power

    Hitler takes power
    Hitler nemaed chancellor Germany, becoming the official leader having reached the top branches of government. Having the authority to do so, Hitler begins to enact his plans to begin the Holocaust.
  • Concentration camp opened

    Concentration camp opened
    Heinrich Himmler lays out the design for the first concentration camp in Dachau, Germany. This camp in Dachau was operational until May 1945, when it was liberated by the Americans. Over 32,000 documented deaths occured here over the 12-year period.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    Having claimed Manchuria, the Japanese move on to the industrial powerhouse of Asia, China. Sweeping through with violent force and the element of surpruise, the Japanese quickly overwhelm the Chinese forces and violently wrest power from the current leaders.
  • Sudetenland ceded to Hitler

    Sudetenland ceded to Hitler
    During the Muhich conference the Czechs are made to sign a treaty ceding the territory of Sudetendland, filled with Germans, to Hitler. This act of appeasement gives a false sense of security for the time being.
  • Nazis invade Poland

    Nazis invade Poland
    The first time Hitler overstepped his boundaries in the eyes of the allied forces- realizing that his intentions were not as he had previously claimed. A rough start of World War Two- when other countires began to arm themselves in order to fight back against Hitler.
  • Paris falls to Nazis

    Paris falls to Nazis
    German forces capture the capitol of France, Paris, after invading and attacking through other smaller countries. Soon after, Fance surrendrers to the Nazis entirely, beginning the formation of the Vichy government.
  • The Blitz

    The Blitz
    Rapid strategic bombing by the Germans to England- designed to severly wind the British. Widely devestated the ally powerhouse. but made British forces all the more angrier. Lasted from September 7, 1940 - May 21, 1941.
  • Pearl Harbor Bombing

    Pearl Harbor Bombing
    The Japanese forces make an attack against a US naval base at Pearl Harbor, located in Hawaii. This attack against the US is what finally pushed the so far neutral fighting force into the war for good.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    lasted until Febuary 2, 1943.
  • Africa campaign ends

    Africa campaign ends
    The US-based push against Italian forces in northern Africa comes to a close, the US being victorious. This is part of a greater push against the axis powers, and inderctly Germany itself. With this fight closed, the allies have a clearer path for fighting in Europe.
  • Rome Captured

    Rome Captured
    Rome is re-captured by Allied British and American forces after victory in Africa, inspirig the two powers to give a stab at defeating the Italians. Their efforts turned out to be successful as they worked their way up through the country, ending with the capitol of Rome.
  • D-Day

    The allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy, France. This was the beginning of France's liberation- one of the first European countries freed by the allies. It was also an extensive military operation, one of the most complicated in all history.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    Victory is achieved and declared nationwide by the Allied forces. Meanwhile, Germany surrenders unconditionally. The official end date of World War Two.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Berlin captured

    Berlin captured
    The battle of Berlin ends with Berlin's capture, the Nazi party falling apart and Hitler dead, with much of Berlin bombed by allied forces.
  • US drops the atomic bomb

    US drops the atomic bomb
    (date for Nakasagi bomb) To end the war with Japan in the pacific, the US drops two atomic bombs, one on Nakasagi and the other on Hiroshima. This officialy ends war in the Pacific, sending Japan reeling and leaving the US the victor.
  • Pacific war ends

    Pacific war ends
    In the aftemath of the Japan bombings, the war in the pacific finally comes to a close. Japan surrenders to the Americans, having suffered heavy losses and being partially destroyed by the devastating atomic bombs.