• Japan seized Manchuria

    Japan seized Manchuria
    Japan felt that they should have an empire as great as those of the western powers so they took action and invaded Manchuria.
  • Franco led national Revolution in Spain

    Franco led national Revolution in Spain
    Hitler supported Franco and his Spanish Nazis, USSR opposed germany and France.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Hitler assured Britian and France that he had no further plans for expansion with them, and Britian and Germany wouldn't go to war.
  • Hitler's nonaggression Pact

    Hitler's nonaggression Pact
    Formed with Stalin, the Nazi-Soviet Pact bound Hitler and Stalin to a peaceful relation.
  • Germany and USSR invade Poland

    Germany and USSR invade Poland
    Polish forces greatly out matched
  • France and Britiain Declare war

    France and Britiain Declare war
    Neville Chamberlain broadcast the announcement that the country was at war.
  • Chamberlain resigns

    Chamberlain resigns
    Resigned due to pressures from war Winston Churchill then took charge
  • France's surrender

    France's surrender
    Hitler forced the French to sign the surrender documents in the same railroad car in which Germany had signed the armistice ending WWI.
  • German bombing over London

    German bombing over London
    Late on Sep, 7, all through the night, relays of aircraft showered explosives over the city.
  • Pear Harbor

    Pear Harbor
    On Dec, 7th, Japanese airplanes bombed the American fleet and destroyed 4 ships, damaging the rest thank goodness for having the carriers out at sea during the time of the bombing.