WW2 timeline

  • not so quiet on the western front

    Joseph Goebbels stops the premier of "All Quiet on the Western Front," and any protesters were beaten and bombarded with smioke and sneezing powder.
  • nazis are on the front page

    nazis take over german radio, newspaper, and other forms of media for use of propaganda and racism.
  • the south will rise again

    the SA go threw towns and drag jewish buisness owners out of their buisness and try to take over any stores owned ny jews in a attempt to segregate jews in german towns.
  • hitler puts his peers in power

    Hitler kicks out all elected officials and appoints nazi party leaders to run the german goverment.
  • come to the dark side

    The nazis occupie the offices of the trade unions and force them to merge with the nazi party and indepent labor is abolished.
  • nazis take over politics

    all political parties except the nazi party are dissolved and the nazi party until 1945 will be the only political party
  • "Thats so gay," (Hitler 1935)

    nazis crack down on homosexual german males stating that it would be a hinderance to the german people and most homosexual men were imprissend and had to wear a pink triangle symbolising that they are gay.
  • no love for you!

    Nazis pass laws that revoke citizen ship of any jews and that they can not wed or have sexual relations with any german blood or realted person.
  • love is for the healthy

    The "Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People" required that to get marreid in germant both partners would have to get a certificate stating that they are healthy and have no contagious illneses or heriditery illneses
  • so close to freedom I can taste it

    Ninehundred and thirty seven people mainly jewish immigrants board a ship set off to cuba, but the The cuban president Federico Laredo Bru denies the cuban landing passes that they have.
  • its the journey not the destination

    after the passengers of the ship to cuba had been denyed to land in cuba the jewish refugees are sent back to europe and are split amongst the free countries.
  • work is liberty

    after the invasion of poland many jews between the ages of 12 and 60 male and female were required to clear debris and fix roads for ten to twelve hours a day for little to no pay.
  • ghettos in warsaw

    the jewish people of war saw reaching about 350000 people are confined to a ghetto that is haevily patrolled by german soldiers and has a ten foot wall toped with barbed wire encasing them.
  • pows turn from mia to kia

    days before germany invaded the soviet union russian pows were sent to the mobile killing squads to be executed; over 3000000 pows were killed.
  • mibile and agile

    Nazis deploy mobile killing units to go into soviet terriotry and kill jews including women and children and have killed hundreds of thousands of jews.
  • extra, extra here all about it!

    a ghetto is established in minsk and the following days thousands of jews are killed so the reamning set up a undergrwon news paper in the ghetto and try to flee to the woods, but many dont make.
  • babi yar

    nazis kill thousands of jews in kiev at babi yar aswell as people who where not jews; the toatal number of jews killed was about 34000.
  • deportation is death

    100000 jews are deported to concentration camps about sixty percent go to aushwitz and the majority of all the deprotees are killed on arrival at the camps.
  • the red orchestra

    Arvid Harnack is hung from a meat hook becasue he is a trator to germany becasue he was part of a large red army spy unit know as the red orchestra who passes on information to help end the rise of Adolf Hitler.
  • warsaw ghetto rises

    deportations in the warsaw ghetto begin again so the ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization; Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) deside that they should resist the grmans and about one thousand jews are killed in retaliation and in total about six thousand jews were killed or deported.
  • denmark fights back

    Germans occupying denmark make a agrement with the danes to leave thier goverment and army untouched, but the danes start resiting and the germans took over denmark and odor a final solution where the danes started a rescue mission to stop the deprotation of danish jews.
  • so close

    Claus von Stauffenberg plants a bomb in hitlers confrence room and exuses himself, but the detonation of the bomb is blocked by a heafty confrence table which shields hitler from the bast and Cluas von Stauffenberg is shot and hung from a meat hook.
  • death march

    soviets liberate a concentration camp that was part of the aushwitz complex, but only found a few thousand becasue 60000 prisoners were sent on a death march to another aushwitz sector.
  • your left, your left, your left right left

    about 30000 jews are forced on a death march from Buchenwald concentration camp due to aproaching american forces.
  • the british are coming, the british are coming!

    the british liberate Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and free some 60000 jews; later 10000 die of malnutrition and sickness.