
  • hitler rise to power

    hitler rise to power
    on this day, hitler became president of gemany. it had given him power to spread his miltistics and anti-sentec veiws throgout germany through the nazi party.
  • nazi germany invands poland

    nazi germany invands poland
    starting off war in europe. the soviet union also invade poland union also invaded poland and the baltic nation. great britian and france declare war on germany .
  • germany invades france

    germany invades france
    captures paris - occupying france may 1940
  • germany invades the soviet union

    germany invades the soviet union
    the soviet union defeats the german at stalingrad, this marks the turing point in the war in easten europe.
  • the battle of midway

    the battle of midway
    the usa was victorious over japan. it was the the turning point in the war in the pacific giving the usa the advantage over japan.
  • D-day

    american and allied troops landed in france, it was the turning point in the war in western europe. usa begins to liberate.
  • v - e day

    v - e  day
    the allies caputures berlin, germany surenders
  • usa drops atomic bombs

    usa drops atomic bombs
    on the japanese cities of hiroshima and aug 6 & 9 1945. forces japan to surrender and end ww2
  • germany bombs london

    the battle of britian begins.
  • lend lease act

    lend lease act
    the lend lease act gave britian war suppiles and old naval ship in return for military bases in bermuda and the caribbean