By Ewhite
  • WW1 ends

    Germany loses and is blamed for the war. Many countries suffer large damages and want to avoid another conflict.
  • Dictators rise to power

    Mussolini- creates fascism in 1919
    Stalin- takes power after Lenin dies
    Hitler- WW1 veteran, leader of the Nazi party
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    The stock market crashed, leading to widespread unemployment and homelessness.
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    Japan expands

    Japan expands to many islands in the pacific. They invade Manchuria, as well as many islands in the Pacific.
  • Munich Agreement

    Britain and France give Germany part of Czechoslovakia to avoid war. Germany invades the rest, and the agreement is a failure.
  • Germany begins expanding

    Germany takes back some land and remilitarizes.
  • Germany and the USSR sign a non-aggression pact

    Germany and the USSR sign a non-aggression pact stating they will not invade each other at the time
  • Invasion of Poland

    Germany invades Poland, the war begins.
  • Britain and France declare war

    The war officially begins.
  • Nuremberg & Kristallnacht

    Limited rights of Jews, identified people by ancestry
    November 9th, 1939- a coordinated attack on Jews and their property
  • Period: to

    Major European Battles

    Battle of France- France was invaded.
    Battle of Dunkirk- Britain rescues thousands of British and French soldiers.
    Battle of Britain- Germany attempts to invade Britain but fails.
    Battle of Stalingrad- Proves that Germany can be invaded.
    Invasion of Normandy- The allies invade France at Normandy.
    Battle of the Bulge- Germany tries to regain strength.
    Battle of Berlin- The Soviet Union reaches Berlin first and attacks. Germany surrenders after Hitler commits suicide.
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    Germany invades France

    Germany invades France and quickly takes over, establishing a puppet government.
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    Battle of Britain

    Germany attacks Britain with planes. The RAF defends Britain, with civilians sheltering in bunkers during raids. Germany fails.
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    Major Pacific Battles

    Midway- Japan loses a large number of pilots and battleships in this naval battle.
    Okinawa- The bloody battle of attrition was long and brutal.
    Iwo Jima- The Marines took over a month to secure the island. The Japanese would not surrender
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    Russian Invasion

    Germany invades Russia. Russia is not prepared and fights desperately. They eventually push Germany back.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks the United States at Pearl Harbor, destroying and damaging the entire leet there.
  • USA joins the war

    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US joins the war.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    Germany starts the mass killing of Jews and other minorities. These atrocities are discovered after Germany is invaded.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany surrenders after Hitler commits suicide.
  • Postdam Decleration

    The allies declare that if Japan doesn't surrender, they will face total destruction.
  • Period: to

    Japan is bombed

    The USA bombs Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders, ending WWII.