World History II

  • Jul 10, 940

    The London Tube

    The London Tube
    Hitler decided to invade Britain. There were air raid shelters during the Blitz. The Royal Air Force was involved. FAR fighter commander was Britain's main line of defense. There were a few hundred planes.
  • Queen Elisabeth Dies

    Queen Elisabeth Dies
    Queen Elisabeth dies and since she never had any children so Mary Stuart son, James 1 became the King of England. There were many problems between the king and Parliament that started when he became king. Not many people supported him.
  • Galileo Galilee

    Galileo Galilee
    He invented the telescope, pendulum, clock, thermometer, and water pump. He discovered the speed for acceleration of gravity in 1632. He carried out Copernicus' work that the sun is the center of the solar system. The church made him denounce his teachings.
  • The English Civil War Starts

    The English Civil War Starts
    Charles 1 signed the Petition of Rights but then got very mad at Parliament and didn't call on them unless he needed money. Conflict formed between the royalists and cavaliers. The Cavaliers won and Oliver Cromwell was the new "elected leader". They beheaded the king and created the commonwealth. Nobody liked this.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Parliament didn't want James II to become king so they called upon William Orange to be king. James II got scared and fled to France where he eventually died. Then William came to become king, and he did. This was a peaceful shift of power. Parliament passed the Bill of Rights when William became king which eliminated all power from the king pretty much.
  • Hobbes and Locke

    Hobbes and Locke
    Hobbes thought that everyone was born evil and thought there had to be a ruler in order for the community to have order. Locke was the complete oposite. He thought people were born good and had to choose to be bad. He also thought the best government was one where people governed it themselves.
  • Transportation improved

    Transportation improved
    A steam engine was invented which really picked up the pace at which new transportation was being invented. In 1705 coal miners used steam engines
  • Women in the Enlightenment

    Women in the Enlightenment
    People scolded women for reading. In 1694 Mary Astell published "A Serious Proposal to the Ladies". In 1700 more women published their writings. They disagreed with people that women don't need to get an education to be virtuous and useful. In Paris wealthy women spread ideas about the enlightenment in salons.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    He tied up the loose ends of Kepler and Galileo. He explain the three laws of motion. He defined gravity and its laws. He also invented calculus and optics. He changed science forever.
  • Rousseau

    He was an enlightenment thinker that had a big impact on the world. He thought that civilization corrupted peoples natural goodness. He believed the only good government was direct democracy. He wrote the social contract in 1762. His ideas inspired the French and American revolution.
  • Spinning Jenny was invented

    Spinning Jenny was invented
    Some people decided to create a contest type thing were there would be a cash prize to whoever built the best spinning. This motivated people to start creating more spinning wheels. A textile worker named James Hargreaves invented one and named it after his daughter Jenny. This really inspired other people to start making new inventions of their own.
  • Australia gets claimed

    Australia gets claimed
    James Cook claimed Australia for Great Britain in 1770. Since 1700s Britain had used Australia as a penal colony. By the 1800s people started to go and settle there because there was gold, copper, and cheap land there. Eventually this all lead to self-rule and people getting angry.
  • The guillotine was invented

    The guillotine was invented
    Te guillotine was invented to be a more humane way of executing people. It was invented by Antoine Louis, but it was named after Physician Joseph Guillotin. The reason his name was used for the invention was because he gave a speech supporting it and his family, and himself were attacked because of what he said. He tried to change his name because it was so bad.
  • Oladah Equiano autobiography

    Oladah Equiano autobiography
    Oladah was put on a ship with his sister when he was little and became a slave. He was sold to a naval officer and then a merchant ship captain. He eventually bought his own freedom and wrote a autobiography about his life to show just how bad slavery is.
  • Meeting of estates general

    Meeting of estates general
    The Estates (social classes) were not happy and wanted to change how things worked. Louis XVI wanted to tax the second estate, but they didn't want to be taxed so the called an estates general. Each estate had one vote but third estate didn't want to vote that way. So they declared themselves the national assembly. They went into and indoor tennis court and said they wouldn't come out until they got their way. June 23, 1789 Louis agreed to their terms.
  • Storming Bastille

    Storming Bastille
    There were many uprising and many groups of people go together to go to the Bastille prison. They went there for ammo and some weapons. Many people were wounded. Some were killed and most of them were just fine.
  • March of the Bread

    March of the Bread
    The price of bread kept increasing and women were getting more angry about this. The marched to Versailles where the king was. They surrounded the palace. Nobody was hurt but and they tried their hardest to make an impact
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    This started when Maximilian Robespierre became the leader of the committee of public safety. He took over as ruler pretty much and was a terrible leader. During this period there were 2,639 victims of the guillotine. There were a lot of bad things that happened during this time. People were scared and didn't know what to do with themselves. The Reign of Terror ended when Maximilian was sent to the guillotine. After he was killed everything changed.
  • Napoleon's rise to power

    Napoleon's rise to power
    Napoleon started out as just a boy in the military trying to help his country. One day he was put in charge of some troops and it was a huge success. After that he got put in charge of many other things and soon became first consul. 2 years later he "crowned himself emperor".
  • Napoleonic Code/Concordat of 1801

    Napoleonic Code/Concordat of 1801
    The concordat was something napoleon made to try to heal the division between the catholic church. This worked. Nap also made the Napoleonic code. This divides the civil law into different things. He wanted to create one law code for France. He was successful in both of these things.
  • Industrialization Spread

    Industrialization Spread
    A man named Samuel Slater memorized the spinning wheel in Britain and then went to America and built some there. After that more factories were being built in American and pretty soon industry grew a lot. Cities expanded. Industrialization also spread to different parts of Europe.
  • Napoleon's final mistake

    Napoleon's final mistake
    His last mistake was invading Russia. Because he did this half of Europe gained up on him to take him down. His armies were badly defeated and because he lost this one battle he was punished badly.
  • Napoleon's death

    Napoleon's death
    Because Napoleon had made this last mistake he was banished to St. Helena. This was the second time he had been banished. He stayed on this island writing memoirs and storied of his life until he died. Some people think he died of cancer, or a stomach ulcer.
  • A new king

    A new king
    After Napoleon had died Charles X of France became king. He had limited power in his time of being king. He tired to gain more power by making the July ordinances. The July ordinances dissolved parliament, created censorship, and made all the voting laws fall in favor of himself.
  • Child labor worsened

    Child labor worsened
    Because industrialization was spreading so quickly the economy thought it would be a good idea for kids to work in factories, so they did. Kids had really long hours and were physically beaten during the time they were working. Everything was polluted and kids started getting hurt and dying.
  • Abolition of Slavery

    Abolition of Slavery
    William Wilberforce was a man who spent his entire life trying to get rid of slavery. He gave many speeches and tried to pass many laws. In 1807 the Abolition of the Slave Trade Bill was passed because he tried so hard to do it. He eventually got all slavery banned but died 3 days later, although he did live to see his life's work eventually come true.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    The British really wanted tea from the Chinese and needed something to trade in return. They got Opium from the Indians and then traded that to the Chinese. This drug was so widely used that the government had to ban it from coming into the country. It still came into the country illegally. Then in 1838 the Emperor sent a guy to canton to stop the trade. This became a major thing and China and Britain went to war. The Chinese were destroyed. They sign the unequal treaties.
  • Post mortem photography

    Post mortem photography
    This is also called Mememto Mori. This was used as a way to remember loved ones. While doing this the photographer would dress the dead person in real nicd clothes and pose them to appear as though they were taking naps. This was used commonly because it was seen as a very easy way to take photographs without the person moving or the picture being blurry.
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    For a long time potatoes had been a staple food in Ireland. They were introduced in the 1500s and got more popular since then. More than three million Irish peasants survived mainly on this vegetable. Then in September 1945 most of the potato plants started to rot. This caused mayor crop failures and for many people left the country. This destroyed many peoples lives including killing about 1 million people in all.
  • Crystal Palace being built

    Crystal Palace being built
    The Crystal Palace was a building made out of glass. This was used for showcasing invention that people had created. This inspired more people to make inventions so they could possibly be shown to people from around the world.
  • Reformation in Russia

    Reformation in Russia
    The Feudal system was abolished. Nobles didn't have unlimited power over serfs anymore. The czar wouldn't didn't want to free the serfs because it could possibly anger the landowners. He then threatened to take over part of the Ottoman empire which he failed to do when he lost in a battle. He later got assassinated and then Alex III took over as the person in control
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    The Ottoman empire was slowly falling apart and Russia was determined to use this to help him with somethings their country lacked. Czar Nicholas I wanted to protect Christian shrines. He also wanted to take down the Ottoman so he could take control of it and expand Russia. Some other countries thought this was a bad idea and decided to not let this happen. So they started a war. After Nicholas died the new heir talked it through and the war ended peacefully in an agreement.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    After a long time with the British East India Company being in control of almost everything the Indians got tired of it and decided to rebel causing an uprising/mini war. The Indians won and this resulted in the end of a 100 years period that was ruled by the British East India Company
  • Raj

    This was the period of time that came after the British East India Company was overthrown. During Raj there was a lot of railroads that were built. This changed India majorly. There were a lot more manufactured goods made from the British which completely messed up the economy.
  • Zionist Movement

    Zionist Movement
    Theodore Herzl was motivated by the Dreyfus Affair to write a book. He created the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Many people really did not like this at all and some liked it.
  • Meiji Revolt

    Meiji Revolt
    A group of samurai overthrew the shogun. The major hero of this battle was Sakamoto Ryoma. They killed a bunch of foreigners such as the Christians, or their own people helping other foreigners. This resulted in about 300 dead at one point and then bout 1000 dead later on. Japan had to get several other countries to try and help put this revolt down because the people were just too powerful.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    Europeans wanted a quicker way to go from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. So the Egyptians try to build this but are in debt afterwards and the French decide to pay off the Egyptian debt but in return they get to more or less control the whole canal. This happens but eventually the Egyptians don't like this so they tell the British to leave and it takes them about 2 years to completely clear out but the Egyptians have full control of the canal now.
  • La Belle Epoque

    La Belle Epoque
    The time from 1871 to 1914 was known as Le Belle Epoque or the Beautiful Era. During this time the population increased and citied grew in size. Migration increased and a lot of new inventions came to be.
  • The light bulb

    The light bulb
    Thomas Edison was a famous inventor. He created many things in his time including moving pictures, the phonograph, but he is mostly known for inventing the light bulb. He invented this in 1879
  • Paris Expostion

    Paris Expostion
    France wanted to honor that French Revolution Centennial so they decided to build a huge architectural structure called the Eiffel tower that was the entrance to the fair that was going to take place. Is was designed mostly by Alexander Gustave Eiffel. People thought is was ugly and it was only supposed to be temporary but they put an antennae on top so it had to stay.
  • Dreyfus Affair

    Dreyfus Affair
    There was a French Military document that was found in the German Embassy which caused some destruction. The French suspected Alfred Dreyfus who was a Jew. They falsely exiled him and later his case was brought back up and he was given a presidential pardon. This affair lasted from 1894-1906
  • Meiji Japan War

    Meiji Japan War
    There were two separate wars in this whole thing.The first one was between the Chinese and the Japanese, Japan won and the treaty of Shimonoseki was draw up and signed. After this there was the Russo-Japanese War. Japan also won and completely destroyed the Russian fleet. After this war the treaty of Portsmouth was draw and signed.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    As Europe was trying divide up Africa Britain ran into some resistance in southern Africa in a place called Boer. The Boer are Dutch settlers that had been there since about 1600. There was gold discovered in that specific area so the British wanted it even more, but the Boer refused and there was a war. The Boer were completely outnumbered and lost. This cause the British to take over the area and eventually grant the Boer self government as compensation.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    After the Opium war there was a major change in society. There was way more foreigners and the native people didn't like that. Eventually it got to a point where the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (Boxer) protested. They tried to get rid of China's foreign devils. They killed about 300 foreign people in all. Parts or Europe Japan had to be called to put the revolt down. It cost China 333,000 dollars to repair everything once the revolt was put down.
  • Flight

    The Wright brothers worked in a bicycle shop and one day decided to be the first people to make a flying machine. In 1903 they flew the first successful gas power flying machine for 59 seconds in Kitty Hawk NC. This gave rise to the aircraft industry.
  • A Son was born

    A Son was born
    Czar Nicholas II and his wife had 4 daughters, but they wanted a son so they would be sure their close bloodline would stay on the throne for at least another generation. Then they had him, but he had hemophilia which could be deadly. They kept this a secret from their country though, not telling a single soul what was actually going on inside the palace.
  • The Belgian Congo

    The Belgian Congo
    Central Africa’s Congo free state was not ruled by a European country. So, King of Belgium, Leopold II, claimed the territory for himself in hopes of making a profit. He created a personal fortune exploiting natural resources. He then forced the native people to work to help him. Soon Belgian government gained control of the Congo.
  • The Schlieffen Plan

    The Schlieffen Plan
    Germany was allied with Austria-Hungry and so they backed them up in the argument and they started moving troops. Their plan was to invade France and catch them off guard by going quicker. They thought if they went through Belgium it would work better or easier, but France was more prepared then the Germans thought. The French fought back and the two sides dug trenches and the war eventually became a stalemate.
  • The Spark

    The Spark
    Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were traveling in a car when all of a sudden they were both shot, and they later died. The assassin was Serbian and so Austro-Hungarian got mad and wanted to punish Serbia. But Russia was allied with them and then a whole bunch of countries got pulled into this argument over a murder because of ally ties and such things like that.
  • Rasputin comes and goes

    Rasputin comes and goes
    Soon Alexei gets so bad and the czar has to call Rasputin who was believed to be a religious healer. He immediately helped the boy and the czarina kept Rasputin around for a while. Soon though some people wanted to kill him. They attempted to do so, they poisoned him, shot him three times, and then had to drown him because he wouldn’t die. After this the czar was abdicated, then he and his family all died and there was a new government.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    The citizens started revolting, and protesting a lot of things. Police refused to shoot the rioters. Nicholas II wanted to disban the legislature. He got rejected and we as forced to abdicate on March 15, 1917.
  • America joins

    America joins
    America had nor yet joined the war, but that was about to change. After the Germans abliderated the Lusitania which held America passengers, the US was not happy. Then the Zimmerman telegram was given to the America, we decided we would no longer have no part in this war. Then America joined the war on the side of allied powers.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    This Revolution was ideal for Lenin who runs the bolsheviks. He armed some factory leaders, and the Red guard Andy attacked the Provisional Government. kerenskys government collapsed and the Bolsheviks took over. He made many changes ans created communism.
  • The Armistice is signed

    The Armistice is signed
    At 11 am. on November 11, 1918 the Armistice of the war wasn’t signed. This Armistice called for cease fire and held an agreement to stop all the fighting on all the fronts, and leave it to the political leaders to settle it for themselves.
  • War Communism

    War Communism
    During the war while Lenin was leading the Red army he started running out of supplies. To accomplish his goal of having a well fed and good weaponized army he raided towns and factories to get all their supplies and created war communism. He took over these factories and told them what to produce. He ordered the Cheka to seize all extra food that was not rationed to each person. Everyone had an equal share of everything and people did not like this at all. They wanted to rebel.
  • Russia's Civil War

    Russia's Civil War
    This war the war between the Communists and the anticommunists. The communists were called the Red army in this war and everyone else were the Whites. Britain, France, Japan, and the U.S. all got involved and sides with the Whites but it just wasn't enough to stop the Red army. The White army was very disorganized and couldn't hold themselves up. This war ended with the execution of Tsar Nicholas II in July 1918.
  • Mussolini taking over Italy

    Mussolini taking over Italy
    Soon after Mussolini had his own newspaper he got a lot of support. He got so much support from the people around him that he threatened the coup d'etat in October 1922. There was a March on Rome that had 25,000 people participating. King Victor Emmanuel decided to do nothing to stop Mussolini and his crew. Instead he offered Mussolini a government job. Very soon after this happened Mussolini took over the government and was ruling Italy.
  • Stalin becoming the leader

    Stalin becoming the leader
    Joseph Stalin was the successor of Lenin. There were many factors that lead to him becoming the leader of Russia.. Some of those being: the abandonment of the constituent Assembly, the Cheka becoming more powerful, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk being signed in 1918, the Civil War happening between the Red and the Whites from 1018-1921. He wasn't a very good leader but people depended on him.
  • The rise of Mussolini

    The rise of Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini was born 1883. He was a Marxist but later converted to fascism. He had ideas about how the government should be run and decided to spread these ideas by becoming the editor of a newspaper and putting in his own information to support fascism. He later made his own newspaper and kept doing this.
  • The Model T Ford

    The Model T Ford
    In 1880 the Germans invented a car that was very expensive and only rich people could buy it. Henry Ford wanted to make cars affordable to everyone. So that's what he did. He created the Model T Ford. This car was only $295. This caused a chain reaction of all different effects such as more jobs because of road construction, material making, and road stops. Mass production was also invented.
  • Reichstag fire

    Reichstag fire
    Once Hitler got some more power the Reichstag building got burned down. Hitler blamed the communist and a lot of people believed him. That may or may not be true. Because a lot of people thought it was the communist Hitler got more power and mad eht enabling act which made his capable of overthrowing anyone at anytime. It said he didn't have to listen to anyone about anything.
  • The Golden Year

    The Golden Year
    After America had decided to help Germany financially by giving them a large loan to help with reparations, Germany started to pick itself up again. In 1924 Germany accepted the Dawes plan. In 1925 the Locarno treaty was signed and gave back their French border. In 1926 the League of nations happened. in 1928 the Kellogg-Briand pact was signed and in 1929 the Young Plan occurred which reduced Germany's war reparations by 67%.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    After the Japanese invaded the northern part of China they decided to keep going to the south and invade Nanking. After they got there, they took control of it. The Japanese soldiers treated the Chinese horribly and 300,000 people died. That was half the population. This event lasted for 6 weeks but luckily a group of men from the U.S. and Europe helped make a 2.5 mile area where the Japanese could not go saving as many people as they could. They saved half the population.
  • Kristallnact

    Called the night of broken glass. This was the first large scale attack on the Jews throughout Germany and Austria. This cleared out almost all the jews and their belongings. They were beaten or killed or both. It is considered the beginning of the Holocaust
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    After a lot of other things that Hitler did in his life he decided to invade Poland. This caused a big uproar. There were 3.35 million Jew killed in this invasion. Because this event happen Hans Frank becomes the governor of Poland. The forced labor decree was issued. This event is considered the catalyst event that started the war.
  • Disaster at Dunkirk

    Disaster at Dunkirk
    330,000 British soldiers are in France surrounded by Germans. They then escaped with the help of France. They then evacuated and went home.
  • Operation Barbossa

    Operation Barbossa
    This was Hitlers biggest mistake. Hitler decides to invade Russia. This caused the war to have 2 fronts once again. There were 3,000,000 German soldiers and a lot of tanks. Germany lost very badly because it stretched into the winter and the German army failed to continue to fight.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This causes the U.S. to come into the war and join the Allies. They cause a lot of destruction and don't declare war until the day after when America also does the same
  • Operation Reinhard

    Operation Reinhard
    This operation was named after Reinhard Herydrich. It was carries out at 3 camps run by the SS. Every Jew that arrived at these camps were killed within the first 2 hours of being there. Its the worst event in the Holocaust. It killed 1,700,000 Jews in all.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    This was the Allies plan to assault the weakest Axis area. George S. Patton leads American troops. Germany was trapped in Tunisia and surrendered. There were over 275,000 troops.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Stalingrad is a city in the Soviet Union. Germany decided to invade this city. When winter came the German army couldn't continue to fight. Then the Soviet Union trapped them in the city. The Soviet Union won. This was a huge turning point in the European theater.
  • D-Day

    Te purpose of this invasion was to liberate France. The Normandy landing. Major Claus Von Stauffenburg failed to the assassination and was soon executed.