world history

  • 1325

    formation of the Aztec empire

    alliance that shaped Mexico
  • 1400

    formation of the Inca empire

    incas conquered other civilizations to form an empire
  • Apr 6, 1453

    fall of Constantinople

    ottomans win and then the byzantine empire falls
  • 1480

    great stand on the ugra river

    they lose Moscow which begins their downfall
  • 1492

    syphilis brought to europe

    in 1492 a very dangerous Sexually transmitted disease called syphilis was brought to Europe and it killed up to 5 million people
  • 1500

    mercantilism in europe

    Mercantilism was a philosophy brought to Europe in the early 1500's that shaped the europeans perception of wealth. Mercantilism was a philosophy that meant raw metals like gold and silver held great value and countries had to mine them to be considered wealthy. this philosophy was carried all the way until the 1700's
  • 1547

    Ivan the terrible

    he was put to lead in 1547
  • 1547

    tsar uprise

    tsars stated in 1547
  • European tobacco trade

    Europeans did not import tobacco until the 1590's because they did not like it and it held a negative stigma.
  • galileo

    in 1609 Galileo created his own telescope so he could see into the sky and discover planets
  • deism in Europe and America

    in the 1700's there was a new religion that spread throughout Europe and America deism was a religion that was made to be more simple and followed nature law.
  • Mechanization

    In the mid 1700's European nations adopted mechanization to replace animal/human labor. they did this by using more machinery this set the stage for the industrial revolution
  • New Hampshire refused to pay taxes

    In 1731 New Hampshire assembly refused to pay governors taxes
  • Stamp act

    In 1765 the stamp act was started
  • First clash between British and Americans

    In 1770 the first clash between the British and the Americans took place
  • French revolution

    Th Frech revolution started in 1789 and went on through 1799
  • The Combination Act

    In 1799 the First combination act was passed in the U.K. because lots of the working people trying to form unions and come together due to very poor working conditions because of the industrialization that was happening.
  • motivation of French imperializm

    The French markets, big industries, and factories were doing poorly so they realized that they needed change which motivated them to start to imperialize
  • society of agricultural laborers march

    The society of agricultural laborers had a successful march in the year 1836
  • first machine gun

    The machine gun was a revolutionary weapon built for wars and it was begining to be used in the world war one it was invented in 1844 by hiram haxim
  • Emancipation for the surfs

    in 1861 Alexander created emmancipation for the surfs and set them free from slavery
  • Congo Free state

    The Congo Free State was established by king Leopold II in 1885 by seizing the African land as his own
  • alexander III death

    Alexander III dies in 1894 and Nicholas II became the tsar of russia and he was the last tsar to rule russia esspecially due to his very poor job of leading
  • General Confederation of Labor

    The CGT was started in France in 1895 to advocate for workers rights and power. They developed the labor movement and advocated for the workers interests. They inspired generations of labor leaders
  • world war one

    The first world war which was very revolutionary for weapon technology and began in july 28 1914 and ended in november 11 1918
  • tsars overthrown

    they were overthrown in 1917 Nicholas the second was Abbicated
  • tikka kita

    Ikki kita was a dictator in the country of Japan which advocated the ultra nationalist movement
  • origin of the nazi

    slowly adding rules and convincing people they are doing good
  • Lenin starts communism

    by 1921 Vladimir Lenin has full communist control over russia
  • Benito mussoli

    he was a dictator in Italy that unified Italy under fascism
  • French imperialism

    French tried to imperialize Algeria which caused a lot of problems and shot Algeria into poverty
  • Algeria fights French Imperializm

    Algeria realizes they are being controlled and fights back
  • Berlin Wall created

    on august first 1931 the people of Berlin woke up to the border that divides the two parts of the city closed. East German soldiers and police were tearing up concrete and putting up barbed wire fences around West Berlin. In a few years the Berlin Wall transformed into a symbol that showed the failure of communism.
  • hitler

    dictator in Germany that slowly took control and gained more power and killed so many people
  • world war two

    world war two began in september 1 1939 and then went on until september 2 1945
  • Decolonization in africa

    from 1945 to 1960 lots of colonies gained independence which decolonized Africa.
  • The Division of Korea

    In 1945 Korea after the world war the Soviet Union was going to develop the north and the United States were going to develop the south. The plan was to come back together after both north and south were developed but however things did not go as planned. In the north the soviets gained a communist system while in the south they developed a democracy so the two sides did not agree.
  • proclamation of national liberation front

    This Document is like the Declaration of Independence from America it was released after Algeria took power after 7 years of war
  • Korean War

    the Korean War started in 1950 In hope to prevent the collapse of communist regime. This was a very violent and bloody war and over 180,000 died or were wounded
  • North invaded the south

    In 1950 after tension with the north and the south the Korean War started because the north decided to invade the south because the two sides both had completely opposite political beliefs.
  • Korean War ends

    In 1953 the Korean War ends due to a stalemate. This happened because there was no peace treaty signed and one of the sides never took control of the other so it was just battling for nothing so it ended in a stalemate.
  • vietnam war

    the vietnam war started in november 1 1955 and ended in april 30 1975
  • Great Leap Forward

    in 1958 the Great Leap Forward started which had many large goals. it transformed chinas economy and society. industrialization and agriculture grew. But the goals were very unrealistic and hard to reach. there were lots of consequences like disrupted agricultural practices, low quality steel production, and lack of food distribution. This was very bad for china having millions of people die due to hunger and China gained a bad reputation.
  • Grigori Rasputin killed

    Grigori Rasputin was killed in 1916 because the people did not like him however this did not solve their problems
  • algeria independence

    Algeria had won independence after protesting, fighting, and going through a lot of struggle for many years
  • Mugabe arrested and thrown in jail

    He went to jail in 1964
  • Krushchev removed from power

    In 1964 Khrushchev was removed from power due to the flaws in his leading. He was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev.
  • Cultural Revolution

    in 1966 the Cultural revolution began in China. It was started to consolidate power and remove threats. this lead to widespread disruption, young people in violent attacks, intellectuals and artists were targeted, power struggle, and people killed.
  • Robert Mugabe elected prime minister

    Mugabe became Zimbabwes first executive president
  • south African independence

    Shut africa freed its self from white people being in control in 1990