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    Age of the Steamboat

    -North River steamboats were built by Charles Browne, completed in1807
    -It dominated trade throughout the U.S
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    New immigrants

    -German immigrants came to the U.S. to escape economic hardship & for political freedom
    -Ireland population immigrated because of poverty and famine
    -These people tended to live in cities like chicago, new york .st. louis
    -These immigrants found work on the trans-continental railroads, built canals
  • Morse code

    -Morse code: an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short sounds
    -Morse code is named after samuel F.B. Morse
    -After the telegraph it led to the telephone, fax machine, internet, and finally the smart phones
    -The telegraph routes ran along the railroads provided free land and helped us better communications
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    Boss Tweed

    -Was a legendary corrupt leader of new york city in his years following the civil war
    -He targeted the immigrants and offered them a job and a place to live. In return the immigrants had to vote for who boss tweed
    -They serverd the democratic party
    -He was arrested and tried in 1872, for stealing millions of dollars from NYC
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    Tammy Hall & Boss Tweed

    -They targeted the poor/new immigrants , they offered them jobs & places to live in return fo rtheir vote
    -They gained power by using dishonest politicians to help steal N.Y. bank accounts
    -Tammany Hall's favorite party was the democratic
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    William M Tweed

    -They used dishonest politicians to gain control of N.Y. city
    -supported neighborhoods of new immigrants by giving them help jobs
    -immigrants in return with votes just how boss tweed wanted
    -controlled democratic party in N.Y. city
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    Cattle Drive Era

    -Cattle drives started in texas ended in the midwest ( kansas or nebraska @ the RR lines
    -More beef was need in the east coast due to the growing population in big cities like chicago & NY
    -New technology end the cattle drive it was called the barbe wire
  • Homestead Act

    -Government offered large amounts of free land for everyone including freed slaves
    -To get settlers to move west to explore and settled
    -To earn ownership of piece of land by living on it over a period of time
    -The Indians culture blended into Americans they fought, lost land, had many deaths
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    Thomas Nast takes down "Boss" tweed

    -"Boss' Tweed power allowed him to funnel large amounts of public monies into personal accounts of politicans and himself
    -Ended w/ NYC in deep debt
    -Public outery against tammy halls corruption came to a head in the early 1870's
    -THe citizens realize that tweed was taking money, because the proof was provided by nast's cartons
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    Rise of labor unions

    -fought for wages & safer working conditions
    -It stopped child labor
    -gave health benefits & provide aid to workers who were injured or retired
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    -The 1st transcontinental railroad reached from east coast to west coast
    -No more traveling in long wagon trains
    -The railroad was built between 1863-1869
    -Things like mail, supplies, trade goods cattle,etc couldbe shipped in a few days
  • Chinese Exclusionary Act

    -First time american could travel freely from coast to coast
    -Markets expended and cheaper distribution
    -People moved to the east
    -Forced Indians off their land
    -Ended long cattle drives
    -Farmers had quick access to markets
  • John D. Rockefeller

    -He was the head of standard oil company
    -He dominated the petroleum industry
    -John was also one of the most respected philanthropists in history, he helped pay for the creation of the university of Chicago and Rockefeller of NY
    -He used vertical integration by buying companies that provided the equipment and services needed
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    Gilded age and westward expansion

    -The gilded age was an era of rapid economic growth,especially in the north and west. American wages, espically for skilled workers, were much higher than europe, which attracted millions of immigrants
    -Railroads were the major industry but the factory system, mining, and finance increased
    -labor unions became important industrial areas
    -"Thistime period is charaterized by economic growth, widespread poverty, westward expansions, and political corruption
  • Bessemer steel process

    -The removal of impurities f/ iron
    -The Bessemer process revolutionized steel production, de-creasing cost
    -The process made steel 10x stronger than iron
    -RR went further, building grew high due to strength and low cost of steel
  • Hay Market Riot

    -Low wages dangerous working conditions
    -Labor protest near chicago's hay market square
    -Really turned the riot after someone threw a bomb an dpolice government imposed death sentence on 7 man and 8 were sentenced to 15 years in prison and 4 men were hung
  • Hull House

    -To provide higher civic and social life
    Located in chicago,illinois
    -Founded by Ellen G. Starr & Jane Addams
    -Both Their leadership made women more politically influenced
    -Had more power among men
  • Andrew Carnegie "Captains Of Industry"

    -Founded his steel company in 1892
    -In 1901 sold his company, merged it with other steel companies to make U.S. steel
    -Became a philantropist after selling, donating to public libraries education system & science, spent 1.1 mill. constructing carnegie hall
    -Wrote "Gospel of wealth" in 1889 about wealthy should spend their money to help the poor
  • Homestead Strike

    -Frick sent 300 Pinkerton & met 10,000 strikers, a gun fight broke out til the national guard came to stop them
    -Carnegie wanted to break up the union, frick began the workers out of the plant
    -Government supported monopolist because they were being controlled with money
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    Ellis Island

    -Northern and Western europe- gremany
    -Southern and Eastern europe poured in
    -Inspected for visible aliments
    (6sec. medical exam)
    -If failed they were sent back to their original country
    -2% were denied admission for disease, criminal background, or insanity
    -immigrant quota act and th enational origins act restricted the quantity into the U.S.
  • Pull Man Strike

    -Manufacture of railroads cars
    -Cut the already low wages of his workers abt 25%, but did not introduce corresponding reduction interest and other charges
    -American railroad way union striking
    -small group, 260,000 joined
    -Refused to hitch cras, refused to handle pullmans cars
    -Federal injunction
    -Strikes & voilent reaction ruiend his reputation
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    Angel Island, CA

    -Also known as Ellis Island
    -Majority of the groups were asian immigrants
    -They were detained and interrogated, asking obscure questions
    that could not be answered
    -Men & Women housed seperately
    -Detainces spent much of their time in the barracks
    -Women immigrants were denied entry is if they didnt have a father or husband that are U.S. citizen
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    Great Migration

    Pull factors to North
    -Job opportunities
    -voting was a right
    Push Factors from South
    -Violence of hate
    -work to survive/No jobs
    migrating of new job opportunities, blacks moved north to escape from oppressive conditions of the south like lynching unfair legal system, inequality of education