Wiz khalifa

Wiz Khalifa

  • When/Where Was He Born

    When/Where Was He Born
    He was born in North Dakota (EEUU)
  • Most Famous Songs

    Most Famous Songs
    "Young, Wild And Free ft. Snoop Dogg"
  • Family

    Wiz has a son called Sebastian Taylor Thomaz and a ex-wife called Amber Rose
  • Most Famous Songs

    Most Famous Songs
    "We Dem Boyz"
  • Most famous songs

    Most famous songs
    "Se You Again ft. Charlie Puth"
  • Where does he live?

    Where does he live?
    He lives in Pittshburgh, Pensilvania (EEUU)
  • Why Famous?

    Why Famous?
    Wiz became famous singing and colaborating in more than one film.
  • Laurence Thomaz

    Laurence Thomaz
    Laurence Thomaz is Wiz Khalifa´s dad.
  • Peachie Wimbush

    Peachie Wimbush
    Peachie Wimbush is Wiz Khalifa´s mum.