William Glibert's Lifetime

By jkk4201
  • May 24, 1544


    William Gilbert was born in Colchester in Essex, England.
  • Dec 4, 1569


    William Gilbert, was educated at Cambridge University, where he took his degree in 1569.
  • Sep 6, 1572


    He moved to London in 1573, he became a member of the Royal College of Physicians, and served a position to queen Elizibith the first and brievly came to James the first.
  • Scientific work

    In 1600 he created the first great English scientific work on the magnet, magnetic bodies, magnetic Earth. His inventions were called and reviewed remarkable, by the people who had tried them.
  • Magnetism

    He introduced the term "magnetic pole " the book sold very well and was available to most people. He edited the book alot to make it perfect. He was alone in Germany Holland before 1628 and was a very influential in creation of the mechanical view of science. This book helped him be recognized by many people.
  • Death

    William Gilbert died on novemeber 30, 1603 from Bubonic Plague. Bubonic plague is a zoonotic disease, circulating mainly among small rodents and their fleas, and is one of three types of bacterial infections. It kills about two thirds of infected humans within 4 days.