
War On Terrorism - AlisonC

By AlisonC
  • 9/11 Attacks on The U.S

    9/11 Attacks on The U.S
    At 8:46am on September 11, 2001 a plane traveling hundreds of miles per hour, and holding apriximately 10,000 gallons of jet fule crashed into the North Tower of The World Trade Center. At 9:03 a second air liner hit the South Tower of The World Trade Center. Up to 50,000 people worked each day in each building. Both buildings collapsed in less then 90 minutes. At 9:37 that same morning a third plane crashed into the pentagon.
  • 9/11 Attacks on The U.S

    9/11 Attacks on The U.S
    At 10:03 a forth airliner crashed into a field in souther Pennsylvania, it had been aimed at the United States capitolor the white house. more than 2,600 people died in The World Trade Center, 125 died at the pentegon, 256 died on just the planes. The death toll surpassed that of Pearl Harbor in December of 1941.
  • Launches Homeland security

    Launches Homeland security
    the U.S and Canadian military launched homeland security after the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. airports doubled the security staff, addaed checks on person, baggage, and limit what you can bring on a plane. most alcohal items arealowed if purchased on the plane or are used for mediacal use. however things such as guns and fire arms, explusives, fireworks, brass knuckles, golf clubs/balls, hockey sticks, nun-chucks, are not allowed in carryon and must be specially packaged for undercarrage transport
  • Launches Homeland Security

    Launches Homeland Security
    There are also random security checks placed on men, women and even childern. The security staff will check you for bomb residue and drug residue. You must walk through a metal detector and you must remove loose things you own. Passports here at the Edmonton International Airport Airport are checked 3-4 times before boarding your plane. When you purchase your ticket, going through security, possibly customs, and before boarding your plane.
  • The War In Afghanistan Begins

    The War In Afghanistan Begins
  • Congress Passes The Patriot Act

    Congress Passes The Patriot Act
    The U.S Patriot act is an act of congress that was signed by Presidant George W. Bush on October 26th 2001. its title is a 10 letter backronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for "Uniting And Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism act of 2001
  • Operation Enduring Freedom-Kyrgystan Begins

    Operation Enduring Freedom-Kyrgystan Begins
  • End Of Iraq War

    End Of Iraq War
    The U.S military forces leave Iraq, This is said to be the end of the Iraq war.
  • The Ghriba synagogue Bombing

    The Ghriba synagogue Bombing
    This bombing in Tunisia kills 19 and injures over 30. Yes it was a small bombing but the terrorists took many things from these people.
  • The Bali Bombings

    The Bali Bombings
  • the Central Intelligence Agency Begins A Series of On Going Predator Drone Strikes On Al-Qaeda In Yemen

    the Central Intelligence Agency Begins A Series of On Going Predator Drone Strikes On Al-Qaeda In Yemen
  • Anti-war Groups Across The World

    Anti-war Groups Across The World
    Anti-war groups across the world organized public protests against the war with Iraq, about 36 million people around the world took part in the almost 3,000 protests. This event ended on April 12th
  • The Iraq War Begins

    The Iraq War Begins
    The Iraq War begins, President George W. Bush refers to it was
    "The central frount in the war on terrorism."
  • The Casablanca Bombings

    The Casablanca Bombings
    The Casablanca bombings kill 45 and injure over 100 people.
  • The Istanbul Bombings

    The Istanbul Bombings
    The Istanbul bombings kill 57 and injure around 700 people. This event carried on to the 20th of November
  • Saddam Hussein Is Found And Captured By U.S Forces In Ad-Dawr, Iraq

    Saddam Hussein Is Found And Captured By U.S Forces In Ad-Dawr, Iraq
  • The Madrid Train Bombings

    The Madrid Train Bombings
    This train bombing killed 191 people and injured over 2,000 people. many people were hurt emotionaly and some never fully recovered mentally and physicaly.
  • War In North-West Pakistan

    War In North-West Pakistan
    The war in North-West pacistan begins.
  • The Georgia Train and Equip Program

    The Georgia Train and Equip Program
    The Georgia Train and Equip Program ends. This program implemented President George W. Bush's decision to respond to Government of Georgia's request for assistance to enhance its counter-terrorism capabilities and address the situation in the Pankisi Gorge. This effort will complement other counter-terrorism efforts around the globe and will increase stability in the Caucasus.
  • The Khobar massacre

    The Khobar massacre
    The Khobar massacre kills 22 people and injures 25 people.
  • Drone Attacks

    Drone Attacks
    The United States government, led by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division, begins a series of ongoing attacks towards northwest Pakistan using drones (unmanned aerial vehicles). These attacks sought to defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants who were thought to have found a safe haven in Pakistan.
  • The Georgia Sustainment And Stability

     The Georgia Sustainment And Stability
    The Georgia and stability operation program began. The Georgia sustainment and stability operations program was a security assistance program made to increase capability in the Georgian Military to help and support the operation Iraq Freedom Stability Missions.
  • The London Bombings

    The London Bombings
    2 men were arrested trying to get on a plane to pakistan and the third man was arresed at a house in Leeds, London.
  • The London Bombings

    The London Bombings
    The london bombing killed 52 people and injured 700 more. The bombinges Were located at three different places, 2 on trains and 1 on a double decker bus. all three explosions were classified as suicide bombings. later on march 22, 2 men were arrested because of a connection with the attack. The three men were arrested on the commision, preperation and instigation of acts of terrorism under the terrorism act 2000.
  • The Hanging

    The Hanging
    Saddam Hussein was found guilty of his crimes against humanity and is sentenced to death by hanging. Later In December on the 30th he is hanged.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom

    Operation Enduring Freedom
    Operation enduring freedom-Trans Sahara begins.
  • The Algiers Bombings

    The Algiers Bombings
    The Algiers bombigs kill 33 and injure over 103. The date may not be accurate more than one dat came up, all sites with different dates had similar if not the same information. The three dates that came up were Dec. 11, 2001, Apr. 11, 2007, and Aeb.11 2007. The bombings were considered to be suicide car bombings and were some how linked to The War on Terror.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom

    Operation Enduring Freedom
    Operation enduring freedom-Caribbean and Central Americ. This date is not accurate, No spacific date was given for this event.
  • The Danish Embassy

    The Danish Embassy
    The Danish Embassy Bombing in Islamabad killed between 5-6 people and injured just over 20.
  • Obama

    The new Presidant of the United States Of America, Presidant Obama and the Obama Administration stopped using the phrase "War on Terror", John Brennan announces that the U.S is "at war with Al-Qaeda","not involved in a global War on Terror."
  • Fort Hood Shooting

    Fort Hood Shooting
    The Fort Hood Shooting kills 13 and injures 33. This shooting took place on a military base near Killeen, Texas.
  • The Amenas Hostage Crisis

    The Amenas Hostage Crisis
    This hostage crisis which took place in Amenas left almost 40 people dead. The hostages were released on January the 19th.
  • Islamist Militants

    Islamist Militants
    Islamist militants begin an insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Osama bin Laden Killed

     Osama bin Laden Killed
    Osama bin Laden is killed in a raid by United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group on his residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan. the one whome killed him, Robert O'Niell, says this, "He was standing there two feet in front of me, hand on his wife, the face I’ve seen thousands of times," O'Neill said. "I thought,'We got him, we just ended the war."
    Bin Laden was said to have looked O'Niell in the eyes before O'Niell shot him, killing him. He was the first member of SEAL to enter the room.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom-Ends

    Operation Enduring Freedom-Ends
    Operation Enduring Freedom- Kyrgyzstan ends
  • International Campaign agains ISIL

    International Campaign agains ISIL
    The International campaign against ISIL begins with the American-led intervention in Iraq against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Al-Qaeda.
  • Campaign Against ISIS Continues

    Campaign Against ISIS Continues
    The international campaign against ISIS continues with the American-led intervention in Syria.
  • Ended Operations (Afghanistan)

    Ended Operations (Afghanistan)
    NATO officially ended combat operations in Afghanistan ending the War in Afghanistan that began in 2001
  • The Afghanistan War

    The Afghanistan War
    The Afghanistan war from 2015 to the present begins.
  • The Charlie Hebdo Shooting

    The Charlie Hebdo Shooting
    The Charlie Hebdo shooting kills 12 and injures 11 people. two brothers forced their way into an office both men were armed with assult riflesand other weapons. after they left the building they killed a french national police officerthe gunmen identified themselves saying they were a part of the Islamist terrorist group.
  • Hostage Crisis

    Hostage Crisis
    The Porte de Vincennes hostage crisis kills 4 and injures 9 people
  • The Copenhagen Shootings

     The Copenhagen Shootings
    The Copenhagen shootings kills 3 and injures 5.
  • The Egyption Military

    The Egyption Military
    To help the International campaign against ISIS the Egyptian military attack ISIS positions in Libya in amidst the Libyan Civil War.
  • National Museum Attack

    National Museum Attack
    The Bardo National Museum attack kills 23 and injures about 50
  • There's More

    There's More
    Today many things are happening, things we in Canada don't even hear about. Many more things will happen until this World War against terrorism ends.