
War of Wars II

  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin Dictatorship

    Soviet Union Leader
  • Period: to

    Bendito Mussolini Dictatorship

    Italy leader..
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Book published by Hitler
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler Dictadorship

    Leader of the Nazi's
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt
    Elected as President of United States.
  • Period: to

    Italy conqeres Ethiopia.

  • Japan signs Anti-Comintern Pact

    Japan signs Anti-Comintern Pact
  • Germany Attacks Austria

    Germany invades the Anschluss.
  • Nonaggression Agreement and Economic Agreement

    Nonaggression Agreement and Economic Agreement
    Germany and Soviet Union agreed to exchange raw materials to each other. Which each countries promised not to attack the each other.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    Signed by President Roosevelt, which forbids trading with any European Nation
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.

    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Great Britain and France declares war to Germany

    Great Britain and France declares war to Germany
  • Period: to

    Soviet Union conquers Finland

    A intensitive battle called Winter War. Finland didn't show the white flag easily.
  • Germany devoured Denmark

    Germany devoured Denmark
  • Italy enters the War

    Italy enters the War
  • Period: to

    Battle of Britian

    Air war battle agaisnt Germany's and British's, final result British won
  • Italy invades Egypt

    Italy invades Egypt
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    Germany, Italy, and Japan
  • Period: to

    Italo-Greek War

    War between Italy and Greece. Greece won the war.
  • Hungary joins the Axis

    Hungary joins the Axis
  • Romania joins the Axis

    Romania joins the Axis
  • Slovakia joins the Axis

    Slovakia joins the Axis
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany invades Soviet Union
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
  • The United States declares war on Japan, entering to World War II

    The United States declares war on Japan, entering to World War II
  • Period: to

    Germany and its Axis partners declare war on the United States.

  • Allied controls Sicily

    Allied controls Sicily
  • Bendito Mussolini removed from office

    Bendito Mussolini removed from office
  • Italy Surrenders to the Allies

    Italy Surrenders to the Allies
  • D-Day

  • Finland leaves Axis partnership

  • Germany army surrenders Warsaw

    Germany army surrenders Warsaw
  • America lands on Philippines

    America lands on Philippines
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    Aliied won the battle.
  • Hitler Dies.

    Hitler Dies.
    Hitler comitied suicide
  • Germany surrenders to western allies.

    Germany surrenders to western allies.
  • Germany surrenders to the Soviets

    Germany surrenders to the Soviets
  • Potsdam Agreement

    Potsdam Agreement
    Attack Germany
  • U.S Bombs Hiroshima.

    U.S Bombs Hiroshima.
  • Soviet Union declares war on Japan

  • U.S bombs Nagasaki

    U.S bombs Nagasaki
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
  • World War 2 ends

    World War 2 ends