

    In april 25 1914 Ingland declard war on tercky then austraila come in to help ingland and got amboushed by golipaly
  • The british withdrew

    The british withdrew
    The british withdrew thier naval mission from turkey.
  • Ambush by Golipoly

    Ambush by Golipoly
    The Anzacs landed on the wrong shore and ambushed by the souldgers of golipoly, THOUSENDS WHERE KILLED AND MANY MORE WHERE INGURED!!!!
  • The battle of Verdun begins

    The battle of Verdun begins
    the battle of verdun was one of the longest battle of gallipollbut was won by the turkish
  • end of battle verdun

    end of battle verdun
    the battle of verdun was one of the longest
    it went for seven months it was won by the anzacs
  • end of gallipoli campain

    arfter a long few years the anzacs decided to reatreat
    they beried yhe bodies and left