Ss 100429 vietnam full

Vietnam War Timeline

  • Vietnam Independence

    Vietnam Independence
    Ho Chi Mihn Declares Vietnam Independence. This event is significant because it establishes stance of Vietnam as a nation of their own.
  • U.S Pledges Aid to French

    U.S Pledges Aid to French
    United States Pledges military aid for French assistance. This event is significant because it established America's initial role in the war.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    Conference establishing French withdrawl from Vietnam and created temporary boundary between north and south Vietnam. Although not a democratic state, U.S backed South Vietnam.
  • John F. Kennedy elected

    John F. Kennedy elected
    The significance of Jack Kennedy's election was that he was leading this nation into the Vietnam war. Although his term was cut short, we reflect that he was the initial change in this country and wonder where he would have taken the war effort.
  • Viet Cong

    Viet Cong
    National Liberation Front establish in South Vietnam. This event was significant because it established a divide in Vietnam, supporting Communism.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    This event was significant because of his short lived term and possible contributions to the Vietnam War that were not lived out.
  • Gult of Tonkin Incident

    Gult of Tonkin Incident
    This event was significant because it defines the excuse for the U.S to become involved in the "invasion" scenario of North and South Vietnam. This was an account of the United States fudging the truth about war involvement.
  • American Troops Arrive in Vietnam

    American Troops Arrive in Vietnam
    United States combat troops arrive at China beach in Vetinam. This event was significant because it establishes America's official invovlement in the war.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Military campaign launched by Viet Cong towards South Vietnam. This event is significant because it shows the power of the Viet Cong, where the large range of attacks they launched highly impacted South Vietnam.
  • Election of 1968-Nixon

    Election of 1968-Nixon
    This even is significant because Nixon is the presidential leader who will lead America into the remainder of the Vietnam War.
  • Vietnamization

    This event is significant because this allowed the U.S to continually be involved in the Vietnam War with the intention to train civilians in combat to replace U.S soldiers. This intention was to decrease loss of U.S soldiers and transfer military responsibilities to South Vietnam.
  • President Ford Elected

    President Ford Elected
    This event is significant becuase Present Ford would be the official leader to bring America our of the Vietnam War after Nixon Resigned.
  • Vietnam Cease Fire

    Vietnam Cease Fire
    This event is significant because it began the decline of the Vietnam War.
  • Nixon Resigs

    This event is significant because Nixon in unable to continue his term, which was still relevant in the Vietnam War. WaterGate being the main conflict behind his resignation.
  • U.S Evacuates Vietnam

    U.S Evacuates Vietnam
    This event is significant because it marks the day that U.S military receeded officially out of the Vietnam conflict.