Vietnam War

By mpapesh
  • SDS founded

    SDS founded
    SDS stands for Student of Democratic Society and was founded in the mid 1960's. SDS was a student activist group and was one of the main representations of the New Left.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The U.S. Congress made a joint resolution that was enacted August 10, 1964. It created liberty for the president to do whatever was necessary to assist people without Congress.
  • American's involvement in Vietnam begins

    American's involvement in Vietnam begins
    On the holiday of Tet on January 31, 1968 North Vietnam and communist countries attacked South Vietnam. They mostly attacked heavy populated areas with U.S. troops.
  • My Lai Massacar

    My Lai Massacar
    On March 16, 1968 U.S. Army soldiers killed 347 to 504 unarmed civilians. They killed men, women, children, and some women were gang raped.
  • Nixon wins the election

    Nixon wins the election
    Richard Nixon became President on November 5, 1968 after losing to JFK both of his elections.He became President after losing to presidential elections and an election for governor.
  • Pentagon Papers printed in NY

    Pentagon Papers printed in NY
    On June 13,1971 the New York Time started to publish the Pentagon papers. These papers ere supplied to them by Daniel Ellsberg who had stolen them.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The Fall of Saigon was the capture of South Vietnam's capital on April 30,1975. The event marked the ending of the war and the beginning of reunification of Vietnam.