Vietnam War

By jfitt3
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    A North Vietnamese patrol boat fired a torpedo at the USS Maddox, which was patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin off the North Vietnamese coast. This allowed the US to blame the start of the war on North Vietnam
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Tet is a Buddhist holiday, assuming that war would cease that one day, yet the Vietcong still attacked South Vietnam. The US retaliated by killing twice the amount of people that the Vietcong did.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    American soldiers opened fire on several omen and children in My Lai, Vietnam, killing 300-500 people.
  • Nixon Elected As President

    Nixon Elected As President
    Nixon, a Republican candidate, campaigned against Huber Humphrey, who was Johnson's vice president. Nixon won, becoming the 37th president of the USA.
  • The Invasion of Cambodia

    The Invasion of Cambodia
    Nixon invaded Cambodia to clear out North Vietnamese and Vietcong supply centers, in which triggered many college protests, ex: Kent State
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    In reaction to the invasion of Cambodia, Kent State University in Ohio led a massive student protest, burning many buildings to the ground. Guards were sent and they fired live into the crowd, killing four people and wounding nine.
  • Pentagon Papers Leaked

    Pentagon Papers Leaked
    A former Defense Department worker Daniel Ellsberg leaked a 7,000-page document which revealed everything that happened in Vietnam. This caused the media to distrust the government even further.
  • Saigon Turns Communist

    Saigon Turns Communist
    The North finally invaded the South, after breaking the cease-fire agreement. The North invaded Saigon, the Southern capital, in which the South ended up surrendering to North Vietnam, Vietnam falling to Communism.