vietnam war

  • Geneva accords

    Geneva accords
    The Geneva accords were laws set forth after the meeting in Indochina. The Geneva accords split Vietnam into a north and a south
  • Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin resolution gave president Eisenhower ther right to use military forces at whatever cost. This was supposed to restore peace
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    This was The largest military campaign of the Vietnam war. The north Vietnamese attacked the south Vietnamese in this battle.
  • My Lai massacare

    My Lai massacare
    The US opened fire on the town of My Lai. This event killed around 300-500 people.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    The Cambodian campegn set forth by Eisenhower was a series of attacks on Cambodia. The attacks were mainly to get rid of some 40000 troops.
  • Kent state massacare

    Kent state massacare
    At Kent state university, students were protesting the cambodian campagin. In the protests 4 people were killed, two of which were protesting
  • Pentagon papers printed in New York

    Pentagon papers printed in New York
    Secret papers if the pentagon were discovered and published in the New York Times. The papers uncovered the US dragging the war on longer than needed. This sparked contravenes in the US.