Vietnam War

  • Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court Case

    Slide 12Brown vs. Board of Education was a Supreme Court case that led to the desegragation of Black and White schools in the United States.
  • The Geneva Agreements of 1954

    Wikipedia A confrence held in Geneva, Switzerland to settle misunderstandings in the Korean Peninsula and to unify Vietnam. The United States, Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, France and the United Kingdom were part of the confrence since the start.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem is declared President

    About.comSouth Vietnam declares itself the Republic of Vietnam and elects Ngo Diem as president.
  • Bay of Pigs Inavasion

    Slide 14
    A failed attempt to invade Cuban territory, undertaken by CIA military brigade. Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intended to overthrow the revolutionary left wing government of Fidel Castro
  • The Diem Regime of 1962

    Encyclopedia BritannicaU.S. president John F. Kennedy sent American “military advisors” to Vietnam to help train the South Vietnamese army, the ARVN, but quickly realized that the Diem regime was unsalvageable.
  • Diem is Ovethrown by the United States

    Wikipedia With tacit approval of the United States, operatives within the South Vietnamese military overthrow Diem. He and his brother Nhu were soon shot and killed after being arrested.
  • Birmingham High School Students Protest

    Slide 19 Peacful protest demonstartions on behalf of larg groups of high school students on the streets of Birmingham. The peacful demonstrations of these students were counteracted by Bull Conor, the commissioner of public safety. He sent in the police force with dogs and strong pressure water hoses to stop the protesters from continuing on.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Slide 24The event in which president Lydon B. Johnson used military force in SouthEast Asia, without proper consent from congress.
  • Tet Offensive in South Vietnam

    Slide 26Groups of communist members who executed suprise attacks against South Vietnam and the United States. These attacks spread out all through South Vietnam.
  • The U.S. attacks Cambodia

    History.Com President Nixon announces that U.S. troops will attack enemy locations in Cambodia. A total of 3,630 flights over Cambodia dropped 110,000 tons of bombs during a 14-month period.
  • The Watergate Burglaries

    Slide 30A group of five men were caught in the Democratic National Committee headquarters destorying important files from records. President Richard Nixon was accused of being invloved in this scandal, which led him to resign two years later.
  • The Easter Offensive in South Vietnam

    Vietnam War Dictionary The North Vietnamese cross the demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the 17th parallel to attack South Vietnam. On 7th April 1972, North Vietnamese forces drove into Binh Long province from Cambodia and began an assault on An Loc.
  • The Resignation of Nixon

    Events of the Vietnam War Soon after the Watergate Scandal, United States President Richard Nixon reisgns from office and is replaced by Gerald Ford. Ford immediately pardons Nixon for “any and all” crimes he may have committed while in office.