Vietnam War- By. Maura McDowell

  • Chemical Warfare

    Chemical Warfare
    The significance of Chemical Warfare in war was to made war more dangerous and fast pace at destroy and taking over new areas. One form of Chemical Warfare used in the Vietnam war was Agent Orange.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was it is what President Johnson felt was necessary to stop the spread of communism in southeast asia.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    The significance of Operation Rolling Thunder was to lessen North Vietnams ability to wage war on South Vietnam. It was a sustained bombing campaign through North Vietnam. This lasted through November 1, 1968.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • US Troops First Sent to Vietnam

    US Troops First Sent to Vietnam
    The First troops sent to Vietnam contained 3,500 Marines. They landed in China Beach to protect American air base Da Nang.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The significance of the Tet Offensive was it marked a turning point in the war. This was a series of surprise attacks on South Vietnam to control the rebellion. This lasted through September 23, 1968.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The significance of the My Lai massacre is that it created an even further divide between pro-war and anti-war groups in this US. This event was one of the most brutal and horrific events to take place during the Vietnam war. It was the mass killing of 500+ women, children, and older civilians.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    The significance of the Draft was that is instated a choosing of men to fight in the war.
    President: Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Vietnamization

    The significance of Vietnamization was to start pulling US troops out of Vietnam. The way this was supposed to happen was Us troops would start equipping South Vietnam troops to fight on their own.
    President: Richard Nixon
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    The significance of Invasion of Cambodia was to eliminate the cross border threat of PAVN/VC bases.
    President: Richard Nixon
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The significance of the Pentagon papers was to caused a loss in trust of the US government because they hid war facts from the Public.
    President: Richard Nixon
  • End of US involvement in the Vietnam War

    End of US involvement in the Vietnam War
    The Significance Of this is The draft was ended and Nixon signed the Paris Peace Accords with acceptance of a cease fire with North Vietnam.
    President: Richard Nixon
  • Fall Of Saigon

    Fall Of Saigon
    The significance of the Fall of Saigon was Congress rejects Ford's request of 722 million to aid South Vietnam. This leads to the Vietcong being able to seize the capital of Saigon.
    President: Gerald Ford