
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    from 1945-1967 a top-secret department of Defense study of the US political and military involvement in Vietnam
  • Chemical Warfare

    Chemical Warfare
    through 1961- 1971 the US attacked with chemicals over 73 million liters of it
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    President Johnson could do anything he wanted without asking Congress first
    President- Lyndon B Johnson
  • US troops sent in

    US troops sent in
    In a response to the Gulf of Tonkin the US sent troops into Vietnam to help
    President- Lyndon B Johnson
  • Draft

    Men were drafted into the war to fight
    President-Lyndon B Johnson
  • Rolling Thunder

    Rolling Thunder
    100 US air force and Vietnam air force plans dropped bombs attacking North Vietnam
    Presdient- Richard M, Nixon
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A big defeat for the USA and Lyndon Johnson turned Americans against the war
    President- Lyndon B Johnson
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    A mass murder of unarmed south Vietnamese civilians
    President- Richard Nixon
  • Vietnamization

    Strategy by the US the pull out of the war and train Vietnam troops to defend for themselves
    President- Richard Nixon
  • Invasion Of Cambodia

    Invasion Of Cambodia
    Nixon declared on television that he was going to invade Cambodia
    President- Richard Nixon
  • End in US involvement in the War

    End in US involvement in the War
    The US pulled out of the war and South Vietnam were on their own
    President- Richard Nixon
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    capture of Saigon the capital of South Vietnam marked the end of the Vietnam War
    President-Gerald Ford