Video Games

  • The first video game console

    The first video game console
    Time article on the history of video games
    Ralph Baer and his coworkers designed the first video game console, this console can be used on any standared television. This console was called The Brown Box, and the first game created for this console was called The Chase Game. After creating a vaccum-tube circuit that connects to the television to control the screen, he created 12 games for the console.
  • The Magnavox Odyssey

    The Magnavox Odyssey
    Article on Classic Video Games
    Ralph Baer later redesigned and renamed The Brown Box, and then was released again being called Odyssey, again being known as the first gaming console. This stystem has twelve games involving small squares connecting and creating lines, some of you know this as Snake.
  • Pong Video Game

    Pong Video Game
    Invention of the Pong arcade game
    Nolan Bushnell created a acrade game called Pong. This game is similar to table tennis. A tiny "ball" floats back and forth across a "net" and two players use knobs to manipulate "paddles" on the screen to hit the ball.
  • Atari

    Wikipedia article on the Atari 2600
    The console was originally sold as the Atari VCS, for Video Computer System. The game was renamed in 1982 to the Atari 2600. Two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers, and a cartridge game was included when you bought the game. The game was very successful in the late 1980's.
  • Intellivison

    Time article on video games
    The intellivison was created by Mattel. The was some competition betweem Mattel and Atari, which inspired Mattel to design the intellivison. The intellivision features slightly better graphics then the atari 2600, as well as the first synthesized voices in video games.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Wikipedia article on the nintendo
    Nintendo, a card-playing company in Japan, created the Nintendo Entertanment System in 1985. They called it the NES. The NES helped the US video game industry after the crash of 1983 from the Atari 2600. By 2009 the NES was named the best game of its time!
  • The Game Boy

    The Game Boy
    HowStuffWorks article on the Game Boy
    The game boy was created by Ninetendo, it was the first handheld video game system. Nintendo estimates, even today, that it holds a 90 percent share of the portable game market. The game boy color was then released in 1998, same thing but parcially see-through and with color.
  • The super NES

    The super NES
    Wikipedia article on the SNES
    The SNES, was an innovation of the NES. The SNES stands for Super Entertainment System and was desgined by Nentendo also. This was Nentendo's second home console. The console introduced advanced graphics and sound capabilities compared with other consoles at the time.
  • The PlayStation

    The PlayStation
    The Playstation is very popular today, probably not the same one, but this just innovated. The PlayStation was created by the company Sony, in Japan. This was the first console to sell 100 million units in 9 years and 6 months after the launch. It was a system that was played at home, this was not handheld.
  • Xbox

    The xbox was created by microsoft. The Xbox was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari stopped sales in 1996. The xbox sold 24 million systems by May 10, 2006. Xbox is very popular still today and the most recent is the Xbox 360. Which has sold over 77.2 millon consoles worldwide as of April 18, 2013.