United states constitution

US:Histroy: VHS Summer: MaryKate Malat

By mkmalat
  • Midway Island

    Midway Island
    midway The battle of Midway happened there. United States navy bases were held there.
  • Period: to

    time span

    This time line is to show the event that happened during 1877-2011. There will be a lot of neet information.
  • Cuba

    cuba Let U.S. the right to intervene in the island to preserve order, life, property, and liberty. Part of an interention
  • Child Labor

    Child Labor
    child.At this time, Child Labor law begins. This is to stop child labor and have kids be able to school and work less hours.
  • The Start of WWI

    The Start of WWI
    World War One all started when Austro-Hungarian empire declare war on Serbia. At first the United States did not want to get invalved.
  • U.S. Going into WWI

    U.S. Going into WWI
    u.s. wwi
    On this day, the United States went to war. There were many citizens who did not want to fight but they did it anyways.
  • Immigration

    imm.In the 1880's to 1920 immigration was very popular. This time period was call the "Old Immigration"
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    harlem r.
    This time period was where African-Americans got to shine. Writers, singer, actors, etc. were making it be time! Many famous black Americans came from this time.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    great d.
    The Great Depression all started when the stock market crashed on Wall Steert. A lot of people lost their money, homes, and even jobs during this time. It took a while to reclover from this.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    "The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators". It was one of the worst things that happened around the world, it was a very sad a brudle time.
  • Women During WWII

    Women During WWII
    women wwii
    While the men went off to war someone had to work to get money and it was the women. Third of all workers were women and before that time, women hardly worked but they had to. They would also go into war as well and help out with the people who got hurt during battle.
  • Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear Weapons
    Nuclear Weapons
    The nuclear weapon was very popular world war two. This helped them fight in a bigger and better way.
  • Women

    During this time, women were looked at as housewifes. They werent known to be working outside their own homes.
  • Happy Days

    Happy Days
    happy days
    This was the time to live, everything was fun and new, The T.V. was just coming out with funny shows and the war was over
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    civil rights
    This was a big change in the American life. Black and whites were not split anymore, everyone had the same right as one another.
  • Ronald Regan

    Ronald Regan
    People either disliked him or love him. He was one of the most popular presidents that will be remembered.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    new deal
    It was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt when he became the president. It was his plan to try to stop the Great Depession occuring.
  • Bill Clinton

     Bill Clinton
    During his term, many things changed. The unemployment rate went down a lot. The money situation then was great for most people all thanks to him.
  • Summer Olympic

    Summer Olympic
    summerThis is when the United states had won the most medals. We had 110 medals and then China had 100. I am very happy they we got the most.
  • Americanization

    " influence of the U.S. on the popular culture, technology, business practices, political techniques or language, of other countries." It is something that effect us greatly.
  • Globalization

    "The goal is to increase material wealth, goods, and services through an international division of labor by efficiencies catalyzed by international relations, specialization and competition." This has an impact on the world and one thing that changes could change a lot of the world