US Imperialism

By daja
  • Alaska

    The purchase of Alaska marked the end of Russian efforts to expand trade and settlements to North America.
  • Open Door Policy

    The Us demanded an open door policy for trading with china.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ending the Spanish-American war in US history.
  • Spanish American War

    American actions represented a ¨New Imperialism¨ a new unique empire, seperated from European tradition
  • San Juan Hill

    The US army fifth corps fought itś way to Santiago and the US attacked village of El Caney and San Juan Hill.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    The Hawaiian islands were offically annexed by the US.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    China against foriegn influence. In fighting the boxers kilt thousands of chinese christians attempted to storm the foriegn embassies.
  • Roosevelt

    President R establishes a naval base in Philippines at Subic Bay , terrritory won from Spain during S-A war.
  • Great White Fleet

    Strengthen US naval power by sending them through the Pacific Ocean.
  • Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal symbolized US echnological and economic power.