us constitution

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston tea party started of with the approval of the Tea Act. It redused taxes and took away all duties from the exportation of east india.the colonies rebelde over this situation, they dressed as indians and threw into the sea all the cargo of tea.
  • constitutional congress opens

    all the colonies except georgia sent a reperentative. the first few weeks were a debate, but they all new that there first priority was to make a plan of union of great britian and the colonies.
  • fist continental congress meets

    Twelve of the 13 colonies sent delegates. Georgia decided against roiling the waters; they were facing attacks from the restive Creek on their borders and desperately needed the support of regular British soldiers. The Congress, which continued in session until late October, did not advocate independence; it sought rather to right the wrongs that had been inflicted on the colonies and hoped that a unified voice would gain them a hearing in London.
  • declaration of rights and grievances is passed

    In March, 1774, the British Parliament passed a series of laws they referred to as the Coercive Acts. The Americans called them the Intolerable Acts. The Acts were primarily designed to punish the colony of Massachusetts for defying British policies; specifically, for the Boston Tea Party. Outrage in the Americas over the Intolerable Acts led to the calling of the First Continental Congress in September, 1774. During the First Congress, which included representatives from all of the colonies exc
  • revolutionary war begins

    At about 5 a.m., 700 British troops, on a mission to capture Patriot leaders and seize a Patriot arsenal, march into Lexington to find 77 armed minutemen under Captain John Parker waiting for them on the town's common green. British Major John Pitcairn ordered the outnumbered Patriots to disperse, and after a moment's hesitation the Americans began to drift off the green. Suddenly, the "shot heard around the world" was fired from an undetermined gun, and a cloud of musket smoke soon covered the
  • second continental congress meet

    second continental congress meet
    the delegates of the 13 colonies gathered in philadelfia to talk about several issues. they talked about the war finance wich was said that they will sell news paper and borrow souren source. in legislation congress passed non-bindidng resolution.
  • declaration of independce is signed

    declaration of independce is signed
    the declaration of indepence established independence for the 13 colonies,, no longer part of the british empire. a commitie was assembled to drafte the formal declaration.
  • Articles of confederation is signed

    Articles of confederation is signed
    the articles of conferation was maid to establish independece of the 13 american colonies. the aritcles of conferation held the states together until a new government under the constitution was created.
  • revolutionary war ends

    The Revolutionary War finally ended when the treaty of peace was signed by the British in Paris in 1783.its said to last only five years.In 1776, the entire British Army was literally expelled out of Long Island but they moved to Pennsylvania. After that The Americans were defeated by the British in the Battle of Brandywine
  • final draft of the constitution is signed

    Beginning on December 7, five states--Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut--ratified it in quick succession. However, other states, especially Massachusetts, opposed the document, as it failed to reserve undelegated powers to the states and lacked constitutional protection of basic political rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press.