
US and Arizona Immigration History

  • Immigration Act of 1891

    Immigration Act of 1891
    Bureau of Immigration established under the Treasury Department. First time the Federal Government will start to handle immigration cases. Also the first estbalished Federal office for immigration and naturalization.
  • Ellis Island Opens

    Ellis Island Opens
    Ellis Island opens off the coast of New York. It becomes the major gateway into the Eastern United States for immigrants coming from Europe.
  • Arizona's Statehood

    Arizona's Statehood
    Arizona becomes the 48th state in the Union
  • Quota Act of 1921

    Quota Act of 1921
    Quota Act of 1921 restricts immigrants to 3% of each nationality already living in the United States.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Although, not directly realted to immigration reform, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a milestone for race discrimination in America. Indreictly, I believe that this legislation has led to many leaps and bounds in immigration reform.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

    Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
    Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was a major milestone for illegal immigration. Allowing immigrants of illeagl status citizenship if htey entered the United States prior to 1982
  • National Driver Register (AZ MDV)

    National Driver Register (AZ MDV)
    Arizona's MDV director enrolled Arizona into the optional National Driver Register which required residents to give up SSN to obtain a drivers license. Effectively excluding many immigrants from obtaining an license.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    This legislation made it easier to deport immigrants attempting to enter the United States. It also made it harder for immigrants to gain access to government aid.
  • Chandler Police Roundups

    Chandler Police Roundups
    Chandler Police spend taxpayer dollars to round up over 300 illegal immigrants and a set of neighborhood raids. This became national news. Chandler ended up paying $500,000 in leagal settlements and is still spending much of their time apologizing to the community
  • Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona

    Anti-Bilingual Initiative in Arizona
    Law that was passed banning bilngual education in Arizona. Moved the curriculum towards an English Immersion style classroom.
  • US Patriot Act

    US Patriot Act
    A sweeping immigration and national security reform that was implemented after the 9/11 attacks in New York City.
  • Proposition 200

    Proposition 200
    Propsition that was passed by the residents of Arizona that denied public benefits to those who entered the state and country illegally.
  • State Employer Sanctions Law

    State Employer Sanctions Law
    A law that was enacted in Arizona that would punish businesses by revoking their licenses to operate if there were found guiltiy of hiring illegal immigrants.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    One of the nations most controversial Immigration reform laws was signed into law by Governer Jan Brewer of Arizona. The controversial law had sections that allowed law enforcement personal the chance to "racially profile" with probable cause.
  • Litigation of SB1070

    Litigation of SB1070
    Obama administration sues the state of Arizona and Governer Berwer over the legality of SB1070 and states rights to enforce immigration laws.