Us history

Immigration Policies/ Internal Migration (Peopling)

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in North America. The Virginia Company's goal in Jamestown was to find gold and other valuable resources.
  • Puritans

    Puritans came to the colonies to seek religious freedom. They established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They disagreed with the Church of England, so they came to the New World.
  • Pilgrims arrive in New World

    Pilgrims arrive in New World
    The first puritans to arrive to the New World were the Pilgrims; they arrived at present day Cape Cod. They founded the Plymouth colony. The Pilgrims left the Church of England to form independent churches.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The British signed the Proclamation of 1763 with the Natives, stating that they would not settle lands west of Appalachian Mountains. Colonists ignore the Proclamation and ventured out to the West. Native Americans that were pushed back settled on the Great Plains.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act, the Alien Enemy Act, and the Sedition Acts. Alien Act: increased citizenship requirements and simplified the deportation process to prevent Jefferson from receiving support from immigrants.
    Sedition Act: An attempt to limit freedom of speech by punishing or imprisoning anyone who spoke out against Federalist’s policies or President Adams himself
  • "Know-Nothing Party"

    In the 1830s -1860s, Irish and German immigrants flooded into the country. Most Germans moved to the West, while most Irish stayed in the cities. Agnlo-Americans blamed immigrants for competing with them for jobs. The nativists did not approve of immigration; a group of nativists formed the Know-Nothing Party.
  • Period: to

    European Immigrants

    A big wave of Irish and German immigrants in the 1830s -1960s changed the demographic of the United States. There were nativists, those who did not approve immigration.
  • Westward Migrations

    Westward Migrations
    Thousands migrated West in hopes of finding gold or silver; minig towns were developed. Cattle ranching also fueled westward migrations.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny, was the belief that the U.S. was supposed to cover the entire North America continent. People began to travel across the Great Plains following the Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, and Mormon Trail.
  • Chinese and Irish Immigration

    Chinese and Irish Immigration
    Irish and Chinese immigrants were mainly used in the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. Thousands died due to the dangerous working coditioning.
  • "Second Wave Immigration"

    "Second Wave Immigration"
    In the Mid- 1800s, origins of immigrants came from Westren Europe to Southern and Eastern Europe (Italian, Polish, Russian). Most of the immigrants lived in tenements. Factories offered work for skilled workers, job opportunities for women, and education for children.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Nebraska and Kansas would enter the Union with the principles of popular sovereignty. This act allowed slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase. Settlers from North and Soth flocked to Kansas, trying to outnumber each other, after the act was passed.
  • Westward Expansion

    Westward Expansion
    In the 1860s the U.S. government began forcing Native Americans onto reservations.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    The act promised plots of land (160 acres) to anyone willing to move and settle in the Western lands. Farmers migrated West in hope of fertile and cheap land.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882
    The act prohibited Chinese immigration to the U.S. and limited the rights of Chinese. This act was isgnificants because it marked the first time that a specific racial group was forbidden to enter the United States.
  • Hull House

    Hull House
    The Hull House was founded by Jane Addams. The purpose was to help immigrants ease their transition into American soiety. Cooking, hygiene and child care was taught there.
  • Ellis Island and Angel Island

    Ellis Island and Angel Island
    Ellis Island was a port in New York harbor; immigrants coming from Europe were processed here. Angel Island was a port in San Francisco Bay; immigrants coming from Asia were processed here.
  • Russo-Japanese war of 1904

    Russo-Japanese war of 1904
    Russia and Japan were feuding over land ports in Korea and Manchuria; Roosevelt intervened and approached Japan to settle the conflict. After the war, Japanese immigrants flooded into the city of San Francisco to escape financial crisis. Restrictive laws for Japanese children from attending public schools was passed; the "gentleman's agreement" allowed the children to attend.
  • Japanese War of 1904

    Japanese War of 1904
    After the war, Japanese immigrants flooded into the city of San Francisco to escape financial crisis.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The movement of 1.4 million African Americans out of the Southern U.S. to the North, Midwest and West from 1910 to 1930. (Migrated to escape racism and seek employment)
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Before the Dust Bowl, "health,wealth, and happiness" pulled people to the Great Plains. During the 1930s, the region suffered from drought and dust storms. The Dust Bowls caused people to leave and move west to California.
  • Nativism After World War 2

    Problems of the cities were blamed on the immigrants; workers feared immigrants might take their jobs. A numerical imit on immigrants was placed (Quota).
  • Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning
    People moved to the Sunbelt( South and Western states). Air conditioning caused many to migrate. Cities like Atlanta, Miami and Dallas experienced population increases.