US 2012 Semester 1- Isabella Lappo

  • Missouri Compromise of 1820

    Missouri would be a slave statte and all territory above the 36, 30N would be free.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California is free, rest of new territorry is decided by popular vote, thus undoing the Missouri Compromise. The Fugative Slave Act is part of the Compromise of 1850. Harriet Beecher Stiler wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Divided Kansas and Nebraska into 2 states. Slavery was put to popular vote. Bleeding Kansas was a rescult of this election, John Brown lead a group of abolistionists and murdered 5 proslavery men. 1861 Kansas is a free state.
  • Macy's

    The First Department Store. IT had great sucess because of all its advertising.
  • House of Representative Election of 1858

    Lincoln joined the race, but Douglas wins. Douglas believed in popular souereighty, and wanted railroads to run from Nebraska- Kansas Territory to Chicago.
  • Period: to

    Immigration Increases after Civil War

    In the 1850s and 1860s, immigration to America had a huge growth spurt. After the Civil War up untill the early 1900s immigration had a big growth. Because of factories, cities, jobs, rights, and better lives.
  • Election of 1860

    Democrats -North Douglas: popular sovereighty. South-John Brechenridge:supports slavery.

    Whigs- Constitutional Union Party:heal tensions in North and South... John Bell.

    Republican- Lincoln: against slavery
    Lincoln wins the election of 1860, Breckenridge wins the South. North Carolina suceeds.
  • South Carolina Suceeds

    South Carolina suceeds because Lincoln is president. This causes the Deep South to suceed. Georgia is the next to suceed, but is hesitent at first.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    A Senator from Kentucky proposed the Crittenden Compromise, which he wanted to add to the constitution as an amendment. This compromise allpwed slave holdeers to be reimbursed for fugitives.
  • Confederate States of America

    Seven States establish the Confederate States of America. They built their own constitution similar to the Union's but allowed each state the right to suceed. Allowed slavery, and elected Jefferson Davis as President.
  • Fort Sumter

    Lincoln sends supplies to Fort Sumter, SC, but the South does not approve. Union refuses to surrender and the South attack..... Starting the Civil War, Lincoln responds by calling 75,000 men.
  • Wanamaker

    First men clothing, first to offer money back guarentee, offer free delivery in rural areas. thus lead to a boom in mail order catelogs. Thus a rise in name brands happened.
  • Emmancipation Proclamation

    It was signed on January 1, 1863. Only replied to states under rebellion. Did not outlaw slavery. Does not compensate owners. Did not give free slaves citizenships. Freed slaves joined the army. Joined the Union Army. 180,000.
  • Congress passed the Draft Law

    The Union passed the Enrollment Act of 1863, that required white, males to enlist in the military.
  • The Union suspens Habeas Corpus

    Union suspended Habeas Corpus. Union Soldiers can make arrests, if nesseccery.
  • Protective Tarrifs are issued

    The US government has high tariffs on imported goods, making more people buy goods made in the US. These tarriffs played a huge role until World War I.
  • Tenements

    Tenements were first built in New York City. They were Low cost multi-family housing that poor people lived in, they had poor sanitation an ventilation. Streets filed with trash and waste, the government steps in to create water filtration system and cleaner water supply
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee surrenders at Appomattox in 1865, Thus ending the Civil War.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    President Abraham Lincoln is assissinated at Ford's Theater. Andrew Jackson is President, the 13th ammendment gets passed. Slavery is officially abolished.
  • Changes in South

    14th ammenment was passed, gave us citizenship to all us born ppl. 15th ammenment- voting rights to all males. KKK Klu Klux Klan-- secret society that tried to scare blacks away.
  • Yellowstone National Park was founded

    President Ulyssis S. Grant frounded Yellowstone National Park in Wyomming because fo the citites and urban areas taking to much land and enviroment needed to be preserved.
  • Election of 1876

    Tilden (D) vs Rutherford B. Hayes (R). Tilden wins popular vote. Hayes will be president, but troops need to be pulled from the South. End of Reconstruction
  • The Great Railroads 1877

    Their wages were cut which led to violence and prompted other violent strike. Maryland, Pennsylvania, illinois, and missouri all had hte great strike of 1877. It lasted 45 days. It ended sept 1,1877.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This law prohibited Chinese laborers from coming to US.
    It also limited the rights of Chinese already in the US.
  • Haymarket Square 1886

    Shorter Work days- 8 hours but way less pay which led to violence, bombs, deaths
  • Interstate Commerse Commision was formed (ICC)

    The ICC was created in 1887 to monitor Us business and lasted until jan 1, 1996
  • Andrew Carnegie and his Cartel

    1889 Carnegie Steel CO. had a cartel. Andrew Carngie had almost a monopoly in the steel industry, but he instead donated most of his money he made. He actually died poor, and his daughter had very little money. He came from Scotland. this later became US Steel corp.
  • Period: to

    Americanization and the Melting Pot

    Americanization began in the 1890s to teach English, dress American, and teach the American diet to other cultures. The Melting Pot of European backgrounds led to Americanization. People tried to have many white nationalities merge into one culture. this led to Nativism. Native Born Americans were better then foreigners
  • Period: to

    Public Education Increases

    Public educations spreads, more children are being educated and not working in the factories. Kindergarden helped working parents put their children in school. High schools taught subjects such as industry, business, and americanization, and a rise in College Education also happened.
  • Sherman Anti- Trust Act

    it monitors trust created by rockerfeller and all millionaries. puts a slop to monopolies... makes them illegal.
  • Jacob Riis

    Jacob was a journalist who brought the horrors of the tenements to the public eye. Wrote "How the Other Half Lives"
  • Rockofeller holds a monopoly

    By 1890 Rockefeller held a monopoly in the oil industry. He was one of the richest men of all time. He operated on horizontal integration.
  • Urbanization

    Factories caused many cities to become heavily populated and thus causing the rich to move to areas outside the cities, especially with the invention of trolly cars. Increased Cities and more farmers moved into cities.
  • Unions using Collective Bargaining

    negotiate pay and working conditions, and strike and refusal to work until demands are meet or negotiate
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead, Pennsylvania betweem Carngie Steel and AA steel. Cut wadges and Lead to more violence and personal troops.
  • Pullman Strike of 1893

    George Pullman lowered wages, but kept cost of living high. Eventually had to sell the row houses in 1898. Those houses were now open to anyone who could afford them
  • Eugene v Dobs

    Dobs was arrested and jailed for refusing to end his strike with the railroads, more perticulary the Pullman strike. The union lost most of its power after his arrest.