Unsung Hero Robert Cruikshank

  • Robert Cruikshank Enlisted

    Robert Cruikshank Enlisted
    Robert entered in the 123rd Regiment New York State Volunteers. Go to the Link to learn about the 123rd Regiment New York State Volunteers.
  • Period: to

    The Time Robert Cruikshank was in The Civil War

    It is circa that he was in the Civil War during this time.
  • Left Washington

    Left Washington
    Cruikshank and others left Washington at about 10 in the morning and they arrived in Frederick City, MD at about 7 at night. Him and others passed over the Monocacy Creek Bridge witch was burned down by Jackson. It had been rebuilt before they passed over it. They are where Stonewall Jackson was about a week ago.
  • Left Pleasent Valley, They Are Now in London Heights

    Left Pleasent Valley, They Are Now in London Heights
    Cruikshank and the rest of the regiment left Pleasent Valley on November 1st, 1862. They are now at London Heights, Virginia. They had general movement and they heard shots being fired near them. They are within a mile of the enemies picket.
  • Cruikshank Goes to Hospital

    Cruikshank Goes to Hospital
    Robert was put in the Hospital because he had intermittent fever, a enlarged liver, and diarrhoea.
  • His Brother In-Law Comes To See Him

    His Brother In-Law Comes To See Him
    His Brother In-law, Alex H. Wells came to see him at the Hospital. Alex came to his Ward (Room) to see him. Alex has been in a Hospital Tent because of his lungs.
  • Cruikshank Returns to Camp

    Cruikshank Returns to Camp
    Cruikshank had been in the hospital since December 21, 1862. He returned to a place near Stafford Court House, Virgina. The day he returned he was talking to Colonel McDougall and he said that he was going to promote him to 2nd Lieutenancy of Company H but he did not know when Cruikshank would return.
  • March To Gettysburg

    March To Gettysburg
    Cruikshank and others had to get up early in the morning. Most of them left things behind to make their march to Gettysburg easier. They had marched all day then in the distance they heard skirmishing so they formed a line of battle. They went up on the banks of the Rappahannock River at Kelley's Ford. They could see the Rebels skirmishing on the other side of the river.
  • Cruikshank applyed for Leave of Abbsence

    Cruikshank applyed for Leave of Abbsence
    Cruikshank applyed for a leave of absence. The leave of absence was for 30 days. It had been approved by his attending suregon. He then took it to the Department of Sabbath for them so they could approve it also.
  • Cruikshank is Back In The Hospital

    Cruikshank is Back In The Hospital
    Cruikshank had to be put back in the hospital. He is in Seminary Hospital. Each Room Has 16 beds in it. The Seminary Hospital used to be a Female Seminary before the war broke out.
  • Shooting of a Soldeir

    Shooting of a Soldeir
    Cruikshank and others witnessed a shooting of a Third Maryland Regiment soldeir. He was shot for desertion.
  • Under Marching Orders to Nasheville Tennesee

    Under Marching Orders to Nasheville Tennesee
    Cruikshank and the others are under marching orders. They have to go on the line of the railroad that leads toward Nasheville, Tennesee. Cruikshank had a chance to make a fortune when he was first detailed at the Commissary Department but his principles would not let him. He was estimated to make 410.00 a day.
  • Lieutenant Robertson and Him Went 5 Miles

    Lieutenant Robertson and Him Went 5 Miles
    Lieutenant Robertson and Cruikshank went 5 miles with other men to move in two families from the Union that wanted to go North. They were Covenanters and their names were Gillum and Wiatt.
  • Regiment was Sent Out on A Reconnaissance

    Regiment was Sent Out on A Reconnaissance
    Cruickshank and others in his regiment were sent out on a Reconnissance. They did not come up on the enemy until they got near the fortifications. When they got to the city there was no more firing.
  • Enemy Is On The Road Again and The Lincoln Election

    Enemy Is On The Road Again and The Lincoln Election
    The enemy is on the road again and the soldeirs can't get mail from their love ones. Cruikshank gave the oath to the officers who voted.
  • Christmas Dinner

    Christmas Dinner
    Cruikshank and others in his regiment had a Christmas supper with each other. All the chruchs had service to. They had a quiet Sabbath.
  • Promoted To Provost-Marshal

    Promoted To Provost-Marshal
    Cruikshank was promoted to Provost-Marshal. A Provost-Marshal is someone who is in charge of the Military Police.
  • They Just Go the Report Lincoln Had been Assassinated

    They Just Go the Report Lincoln Had been Assassinated
    Cruikshank and others just got the report that Lincoln had been assassinated. Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. Cruikshank and the others got the report 3 days after the assassination took place.
  • Johnston and His Army Surrender

    Johnston and His Army Surrender
    Johnston and his army all surrendered to General Sherman. All the men that surrendered talked about there families at home.
  • Take The Road Holly Springs To Go Onto The Enemy

    Take The Road Holly Springs To Go Onto The Enemy
    Cruikshank and the others had to walk 12 miles down the road of Holly Springs. When they got to the enemy was in front of them but there was no skirmishing.
  • Returning Home

    Returning Home
    Cruikshank and others have finished their work for the government. They were ordered to start going home tommrow (June 9th, 1865).