universe timeline

By mkvares
  • 150

    Almagest Created

    Claudius Ptolemy created the Algamest, his model of the universe
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Earth orbits around the sun

    Nicolaus Copernicus relized that the Earth obits around the sun
  • Jan 1, 1548

    Giordana suggest neither earth or sun is the center of the universe

    Giordana suggest neither earth or sun is the center of the universe and that the sun is just one of many stars of a large universe
  • Tycho Brache

    Tycho Brache proposes that the sun revolves around the earth and the other planets orbit the sun
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler posits the three laws of planitary motion
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo builds his first telescope
  • Issac Newton publishes a book

    Issac Newton publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural philosophies
  • steller parallax

    Steller Parallax was believed to not exist
  • Friedrich Wilhelm proves steller parallax

    Friedrich Wilhelm proves steller parallax by watching a star move in the sky
  • General theory of relativity

    Albert eintsein presents the General theory of relativity
  • Cephid stars found

    Cephid stars are found in the andromida galaxy
  • Big bang theory

    Big bang theory
    Georges lemaitre presents an early version of the big bang theory
  • Hubble law

    Edwin hubble discovers hubble law.
  • Dark matter discoverd

    Fritz Zwicky discovers indications of Dark matter
  • The origin of chemical elements

    George Gamow publishes The Orgin of Chemical Elements
  • Big bang revised

    Fred Hoyle revises the big bang
  • Cosmic microwave backround radiation

    Astronomers discover Cosmic microwave backround radiation
  • dark matter exerts a gravitational pull on stars

    Vera Rubin and Kent Ford find that dark matter exerts a gravitational pull on stars
  • The COBE

    The COBE satelklite shows that cosmic microwave backround is the remnant heat of the early univcerse
  • Universe is expanding

    Reasearchers learn that the universe is expanding due to dark energy
  • The Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe

    The Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe finds that matter was not evenly distributed from the big bang
  • today

    Maps of the universe reveal that galaxies are uneven.