
United States in WW2 Timeline

  • The Start of WW2 and America's decision

    The Start of WW2 and America's decision
    On September 1st, 1939 Nazi Germany started their invasion of Poland. The United States eventually decided that WW2 was an European dispute and did not need the involvement of the United States.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was a program research and development to develop the first nuclear weapons. The project started on August, 13th, 1941 and lasted until August 1945. It was led by the US and was also in cooperation with the UK and Canada.
  • Attacks on Pearl Harbor

    Attacks on Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941 the Empire of Japan launched a surprise sneak attack on the naval base on O'ahu, Hawaii. The United States suffered 2,403 losses including 68 civilians. The US had 19 navy ships damaged or destroyed, that includes 8 battleships.
  • The United States declares war on Japan

    The United States declares war on Japan
    Due to the attacks on the naval base on the day prior the United States declared war the next day. The vote was 82-0 in the Senate and 388-1 in the House. The only person to be against war was Jeannette Rankin from Montana.
  • The Axis powers declare war on the US

    The Axis powers declare war on the US
    Due to the US declaring war on Japan, Germany and Italy declared war on the US. With that declaration the US joins the war in both the Pacific and European theater.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The battle of Midway was a three day battle lasting from June 4th to June 7th, 1942. It was a overwhelming victory for the United States. The Japanese Navy lost four fleet carries, a huge loss for the Japanese Naval force. The US lost one fleet carrier in the three day battle.
  • Fascist Italy Surrenders

    Fascist Italy Surrenders
    In July 1943, the invasion of Sicily led to the collapse of Fascist Italy. In Cassibile, Italy the new government of Italy signed a surrender treaty with the Allies.
  • D-Day Invasions

    D-Day Invasions
    To make the Axis powers fight a multi-front war the largest seaborne invasion in history was launched on the northern coast of German occupied France. Combined on both sides there were 8,000 to 19,000 casualties. It was successful for the allies, forcing the Axis powers to fight a multi-front war.
  • Liberation Of Paris

    Liberation Of Paris
    The Allies retook the capital of France following the invasion of D-Day two months prior. The battle that was prior to the full liberation of the capital was a six day battle from August 19th to August 25th, 1944.
  • The Allies Enter Germany

    The Allies Enter Germany
    On March 22nd, 1945 the Allies entered western Germany and started their march to Berlin. Once they entered Germany it only took three weeks for Germany surrender completely.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The Battle of Okinawa lasted from April 1st to June 22nd, 1945. The battle ended with a US victory. The Japanese suffered ~110k casualties and the US suffered ~80k casualties. The battle of Okinawa was one of the bloodiest in the entire war.
  • Nazi Germany Surrenders

    Nazi Germany Surrenders
    Following the death of Adolf Hitler, and the collapse of all fronts. Nazi Germany surrenders on May 7th, 1945 in Reims, France.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    On August, 6th, 1945 the fruits of the Manhattan project showed in the form of an atomic bomb dubbed "Little Boy". Around 140,000 civilians died to the bomb, that is roughly the population of Syracuse, New York.
  • The Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    The Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
    Three days following the atomic bomb being dropped on Hiroshima and the Empire of Japan showing no sign of surrendering. The US decided to dropped a second which was dubbed "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki, killing 74,000. Roughly the population of Springfield, Arkansas.
  • The Empire of Japan Surrenders

    The Empire of Japan Surrenders
    After the dropping of two atomic bombs and the US military closing in from the islands in the Pacific. The Empire of Japan officially surrendered on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
  • Paris Peace Treaties are Signed

    Paris Peace Treaties are Signed
    Following the surrender of the Axis powers in WW2, the Paris Peace Treaties were signed to redrew boundaries in Europe and stabilize the region. This is the treaty that ended the war even though battling had ceased for almost 2 years.